AfterDeath: You have my word (angst)

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Every day, he steadily got stronger.
His Geno, improving like a wildfire since his sudden health drop a few days ago.
Reaper wasn't going to lie when he said he was scared out of his mind about just what was going on with Geno's body and what he was feeling.

Honestly, if he didn't have his friends to support him he would've lost the plot by now.
He knew he couldn't just slack the tether and believe the worst was over because they both knew it was far from it, Goth had been staying at his boyfriend, Pallete's, house for a while as Reaper and Geno were constantly in and out of hospital, the doctors kept finding new problems and obstacles to overcome every day and the weather wasn't working to their favor either.

Goth rang up earlier in the day and said boredom was killing him because the ground was too wet to work Inks horses.
Geno just told him to either sleep it off, or to go home and feed Reapers large array of pets.
He did that but it only cured it a while before he was back to laying on the floor asleep with Pallete.
Ink rang too and kept talking about how cute those two were when they cuddled and even sent them a photo which briefly made Geno smile.

It wouldn't be long now before they were released. Geno had said to his husband that he could go home whenever he wanted but Reaper couldn't bring himself to. He wanted to stay by Geno's side.
Reaper could only pray nothing else unfortunate popped up to stop them from leaving and Geno felt much the same way, he was more than ready to leave and cuddle with Reaper on the couch just like they used to before this whole ordeal.

"Hey Geno?" Reaper asked quietly, his hand on the side of the bed, holding the smallers hand with fingers intertwined.
"Yeah?" Geno answered.
"When we get out of here, can we just waste the day in bed?"
"Cuddling with you? Oh Reaper, definitely~" The smaller nuzzled the other skeleton, a smile and blush on his face.
"Good~ I think we deserve to relax for a while~"
"I'll say, everythings been so stressful" Geno sighed. "Sometimes I just wonder if my strife will ever be over"

"Even if it doesn't end, I'm always here for you and always will be, so don't you worry your pretty little self, I'll take care of you and Goth, no matter what okay?" Reaper nuzzled the smallers hand, smiling.
"Thank you Reaper"
"Don't worry~ You have my word~"

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After a couple more days, Geno was finally released and ready to go home. Although still quite tired, he basically sprinted out the doors with a massive smile on his face.
All the way back home again Geno couldn't stop chatting about everything he was going to do when he gets home.

Smother both Goth and Reaper with love was one of them.
It would be far from an understatement to say Geno really loved his family. His heart was absolutely full for them and he couldn't make room for anything else. Even if he tried, he would never love it as much as he loved his husband and son.

Just as soon as they pulled up to Inks house about an hour later, Goth basically leapt the fence to get to them, throwing himself into Geno's arms as soon as he saw him.
"Mom! I'm so happy to see you!" He said excitedly, hugging and nuzzling the taller skeleton while Geno happily returned the gesture.
"Goth! What about me?" Reaper intervened, picking up the younger and hugging him tightly. Goth laughed a bit and attempted to struggle from his Dads grip considering he was basically choking him.

When Reaper finally put Goth down, Ink flashed them a wave from the window of the house. Seemed he was busy so couldn't come over for a chat.

"No worries" Reaper shrugged. "Let's just go home. We all need some rest"
Geno and Goth quickly acknowledged him. "Agreed"

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When the front door slammed and the house became alive with the noise of the family again, the old villa no longer seemed abandoned and left in its older glory like it was when the pack of three bought the house upon moving to the area. Since then, it had a few fixes and renovations.

Unfortunately, they hadn't had the money to hire somebody to fix it so they did most of the repairs themselves. Mainly, it was down to Goth, because he had the most energy and strength to do so. So far, he'd replaced a window, a door, a lock, a window and fixed a hole in the drywall.
It was all good and well but sometimes the house would get colder in the winter so they had to work hard to keep the fire stoked for those long winter periods.

Goth was on the couch already, looking forward at the wall and at the TV with its black screen, dark as night through the otherwise lightened room. He wasn't interested in the device, head tipped against the couch back, eyes closed and his breathing heavy.

Reaper left him there. Goth was old enough to take himself to bed if he was tired.
Surprisingly, in the time Reaper was standing there, the smaller of the lovers had fallen asleep against his arm, gripping it tightly and snoozing lightly. He was still standing but Reaper didn't want to leave him there either. So what he did was tenderly pick up the smaller, holding him close to his chest and made his way to the bedroom, quiet and calm.

As soon as he hit the bed, Reaper just crashed, spooning Geno. He was so tired.

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The next morning was quiet. The birds outside were chirping far less than usual, the horses were silent, the house and kitchen were also.. silent.

Reaper began to wonder if this was all just a dream. The fact he had Geno in his life was all a hallucination of the mind. That thought made him sad as he woke up fully, taking his time to adjust his surroundings.

The room looked empty, bare. There was furniture of course but it just had less volume for some reason Reaper couldn't fathom.
Then it struck him. Geno was gone. The space in the bed beside him was empty. Reaper didn't sweat it too much, sometimes Geno would get up earlier because he was hungry or thirsty. It never bothered him.

When the taller actually got up, Goth was nowhere to be seen either and he wondered why. He ignored breakfast for the time being, looking for his son.

It took Reaper a while but he eventually found the teen in the backyard, standing silently under the old oak tree looking rather distant and sad.
What could possibly be wrong?
There was a murder of crows gathered around his feet too, blocking the view of whatever it was they were staring at. Sleek black feathers shifted and black beaks squawked when the birds made way for their master, gazing up at their next one, to see he was crying quietly, hands shaking and clenched into a fist.

Of course Reaper already knew what was wrong. It was his job to know but he couldn't bring himself to face the truth.
His Geno was laying under the tree, his body calm and fragile, as it always had been but something was off.

He was asleep, his chest failing to move. At least, Reaper thought he was asleep but that information was not the case. As much as he wanted to believe it, it wasn't happening.
Crows squawked and jumped about, Goth was still crying and both of them were staring down at Geno.

He was...


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