AfterDeath (pt2): The Miracle of Our Lives (angst)

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Several days passed by like years since Geno's death.
For Reaper, everything was so quiet and dreary without him. It didn't help he was carrying his soul. The invitation to take it out of the holder around his neck and just gaze at its beauty was about undeniable, but he kept the urge down.

So far, he'd visited the spot of Genos death every now and then. Sometimes, he'd notice some of the bones in his remains were slowly disappearing.

Over the last week, quite a few disappeared, mainly the smaller ones at first, things like carpals and tarsals, smaller vertebrae, parts of his tailbone, some lower ribs, his patella and knee, his hands and feet too. But Reaper wasn't overly worried. Animals had been scavenging the carcass is all. Geno was gone, he wouldn't need that body anymore.
And he wasn't going to reincarnate him either, out of fear his sicknesses would carry through, and if he did, his soul would be gone somewhere else in the world and he could never hold it delicately in his hands again.

That hurt him, that thought. The one that Geno wouldn't come back. Which he wouldn't, it hurt Goth equally as much. He spent a lot of his time either seeking comfort from Reaper, or from Pallete.
He cried quite a bit.
Reaper did too, but failed to cry in front of Goth, he didn't want him to think he was weak for some bizzare reason.
Every time he got into bed, he would think of Geno and the way they used to cuddle together and he'd just break down. He was the only one he ever loved, the only one who could touch him and share with intimate moments he never thought he'd ever have.

Especially having kids. He never thought that would ever happen. But it did, now Goth was devoid of a parent and that was the hardest thing about it.
Now, he'd have to be a solo parent.

After a few more days, the sun began to shine. Not mentally for Reaper though, he was in a dark place. A very dark place, made even darker when Goth randomly disappeared.
That made everything spiral downward so much worse.
First his husband, now his son too.

One dead.
One dissapeared.

The deadly skeleton returned outside, to visit Geno one last time. However, when he got to his final resting place, under the old oak, it's leaves swaying in a gentle breeze that beckoned calm in Reapers 'Enchanted Garden' as Geno used to call it.
The garden was home to so many animals, it was overgrown, but not to the point it looked untidy, as Goth used to keep it orderly up until Geno first went into hospital, then he simply gave up on the garden.
The grass had grown quite a bit, but surprisingly was still tidy. Probably down to the horses that grazed in the extensive yard. Most were a shade of somber rosy grey, as such they were nearly crystal white.
Part of the reason why Geno called it the 'Enchanted Garden'

When you saw them grazing outside, it was almost like looking at a fairytale. Although, now, he couldn't cuddle with Geno and look at them and smile about how fantastic it looked.

Looking down, the taller began to cry. All those happy memories, everything that once was is gone.
Even now, most of physical evidence Geno was ever there was completely gone. Everything.
Skull, jaw, ribs, spine, pelvis and everything in between, top to toe it was all gone.

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All was silent around the paddock, apart from footsteps and trotting paths.

Seven skeletons, all in a line, following each other to where an eighth was waiting.


Soon enough, those seven gathered around him, an alchemy circle burnt into the ankle length grass.
The forbidden art, yet Error, Ink, Lust, Horror, Pallete, Cross and Classic had all agreed to set foot on afterlife territory where even Reaper wasn't allowed to breathe on.
Risky, Goth knew, but he hated having to see his Dad so terrified, so sad and left behind by the one he loved for no reason.
So they were bringing Geno back. No matter what it took from them.

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