RavenPrint: Artifacts (fluff)

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"Blueprint come on before Dad gets home!" Raven chirped, jogging down the halls of his large family home. They were in for a day or two of fun.
Nothing else.

Raven had been inviting Blueprint over often. Those two could barely stand to be apart.
Geno called it puppy love, Reaper called it a phase, and Error and Ink thought they were growing up far too fast for their liking.
But Raven and Blueprint knew it was much more than what their parents had to say on the matter.

Error and Ink had already lost several children to the world of adulthood, that being Moku, Pallete and PJ. (two of which weren't even Errors children but he liked to act like they were) Whereas Geno amd Reaper had only lost the one, Goth.
Although Geno himself hated to let any more of his children go, he knew they would eventually and in the frail skeletons view of things, that was utterly heartbreaking.

Blueprint sped past rows of wooden doors. Ahead of them stood another door at the end of the hall.
It used to be Goths old room but since it had been called the 'no no room'
The reason behind the stupid but shockingly accurate name was the amount of old relics, artifacts and spiritual belongings adorning the shelves of the large room, now feeling small since Ravens brother left. He always made a room feel big with the sheer amount of joy that radiated off of him at all times.
But now, Raven and Blueprint were standing inside its creamy coloured walls, gazing in awe at how many things there were.

The door clicked to shut behind them, downing that 'mini museum' in dull darkness. Light enough to see by, but dark enough to make the place seem stingy and dusty.

These odds and ends were barely ever touched, mainly down to the fact if one was so much as scratched, unimaginable things could happen as the spirits revenge for its untimely second death. Not that Reaper cared they had to die twice.

"Woah." Escaped Blueprint while he looked around the area, mainly throwing his gaze over the walls, where several skulls hung, and what looked to be a whip made from someone or somethings spine graciously curled and curved on the nails which held its placement.

"Pretty cool huh?" Raven placed his hands in his pockets, following the smallers gaze.
"Of course it's cool!!" Blueprint exclaimed, staring at the shelves one by one, gaping in awe at everything they held.
"What's this?!" The excitable smol fry cried, holding up a sphere of perfectly polished ruby. He admired it in caution.
"It's a ball of ruby from a neckavalee." Raven informed calmly.
Blueprint placed it down again, reaching for a crystal blue flower in a glass case, before Raven stepped between the two. "Don't touch that flower" He warned, which of course, Blueprint questioned.
"How come?" He tilted his head in curiosity.
"Because this is a corpse flower." Raven turned to it, tapping the glass to which the flower seemingly sentient recoiled from. "As soon as you touch it, it takes over your body before you can utter a word, it can't be removed, it feeds off of all your nutrients and food, controls you, hurts you, takes every vital nutrient until you resemble little more than a walking corpse, alive but subcumed to its power. It then leeches you of all your blood, killing you, then it uses your corpse as a dead vessel to live in until you have nothing left to give" He hissed, finishing on a dark note, his face fore-shadowed, eyes blank and empty.
It was only when Blueprint stared to tremble Raven returned to normal, leaning over and hugging his other. "Oh baby, did I scare you?" Raven cooed, cuddling Blueprint.
"A little-" Came his reply, hugging Raven back.
"Sorry babe, I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay" Blueprint pulled away from the hug, glancing at a single red feather on a shelf, then looking at a fang, a ragged cloak, before his attention finally settled on a small pocket watch, hanging idly from a drawing pin stuck to the back of the shelf.

"W-who did that belong to?" Blueprint asked quietly, pointing to it.
"hm?" Raven looked to where the smaller was pointing. "Oh, that. That pocketwatch belonged to a rich man that committed self deletus. Dad took it because he knew that man had some unfinished business to do here. Either that or he just really liked the watch." Raven chuckled while Blueprint walked to the shelf, opening the watch and staring at it's still ticking face.
7:32pm. Fancy that, it was 2 minutes slow.

"What are you two doing in here?" Demanded a calm but somehow showy voice, one that still gave Blueprint a fright, even though he knew who it was he was caught so off guard, he almost dropped the pocket watch, catching it midair.

"Oh hi Dad" Raven replied, calm as ever.
Reaper just snorted in acknowledgement.
"H-hello Mr. AfterDeath" Blueprint dipped his head in respect, Reaper returning the gesture.
"Greetings Blueprint"  He spoke kindly, looking at Raven. Although it was hard to tell exactly where Reaper was looking half the time, taking into obvious consideration he had no pupils, Raven could just feel his sire staring at him.
"As for you Raven, what are you two doing in here? Mind explaining that to me?"
"I was just showing Blueprint the relics, he's not doing any harm"
"I'll take your word for it. Just hope he hasn't broken anything"

But poor little Blueprint did just that. In his fright, he accidentally put a crack in the glass of the pocket watch.

Oh boy.
Hopefully that wouldn't amount to anything too bad?
Nevertheless, he tugged at his boyfriends shirt in fear, shrinking down behind him. Blueprint was anxious as to what would happen to to him now.

"?" Raven turned to look at him, glancing at his lovers worried expression, then to the mini clock he held in a shaking hand, the crack clearly visible on the glass.
Raven tensed a moment but before he could say anything, Blueprints worried look took a sharp turn to tears. He was obviously scared.
As soon as Raven saw this, he knelt down to his level, hugging him and kissing his cheek. "Oh Blueprint, it's okay, nothing is happening, you're fine." He reassured.

Reaper took the watch from Blueprints hand, placing it back on the shelf.
"Blueprint, it's okay" The adult spoke to him in a soothing manner. He had carried with him a lot of experience calming crying children.
Geno was still better but he could pull it off just fine. "The crack isn't major enough to call its spiritual owner, you'll be just fine."
"R-really?" Blueprint queried in almost silence.
"Really" Raven repeated, kissing his cheek once more before he wiped the smallers tears, making sure he had calmed.
"S-so you're not mad?" Blueprint asked cautiously.
"Of course not, accidents happen Blueprint, it's just fine" Reaper assured, leaving the room. "Also you should go home, it's nearly 20 to 8" He called back.
Raven nodded, leading Blueprint out of the room and eventually, to the front door, where they kissed for a moment, eyes closed, holding each other. In what seemed like only a moment too short, Raven pulled away, murmuring his goodbyes and I love yous, Blueprint saying it back, adding something on in a soft singing voice. "And in other words, please be true"
"And in other words.. I love you" Raven sang back, Blueprint joining him when he sang I love you.

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