Sneak Peek - Jenalyn: From the Inside

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Thank you for finishing Jenalyn: A Splitting Personality, book #2 in the 'Jenalyn' series! I really hope you enjoyed it, and plan on continuing with the series! I love feedback, so feel free to comment and strike up some conversation about your thoughts!

Here's a sneak peak into the next book of the series, out now!

Jenalyn: From the Inside

I don't understand why this place can pump me full of drugs while I'm pregnant- but I do it myself, and suddenly I'm labled as 'a danger to myself, and others.'

I woke up in the hospital after Rob had taken me to that motel in Pennsylvania. I was expecting Dane to have woken me up, but low and behold the entire Gold clan- angry, panicking, and disappointed as they carried a very... fucked up Jenalyn from the motel room.

A fucked up, and pregnant Jenalyn.

It went downhill from there.

I was admitted to the hospital, scolded, medicated, and shipped off to some boujee mental hospital slash rehab to apparently just sit here and think about my actions.

Like this is going to do me any good.

The only good thing that came out of all of this- and I can't even really say good, considering the fact that I suck as a human, is that this baby somehow survived all of it... she's a miracle.

And now... I just have to make it through this rehab sentence.

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