Chapter 91: Jenalyn

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Wednesday, 7:41 A.M. EST

I come to sprawled out on Dane's bed, my body feeling like a thousand pounds. I immediately try to sit up in confusion.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Jena?" I hear as I fall back down onto the matress with a thud. "What the fuck did you do?!"

I expect it to be Dane. I look over, squinting my eyes through the morning light that breaks though Dane's blinds, to see Rob.


"What... what're you doing here?" I ask weakly- my body feeling like it's draining of everything inside of it with each second that passes.

And man, I've got a headache!

Rob's eyes roll frustratedly, and he let's out a quick sigh before responding. "Babysitting you while your boyfriend goes to the police station to pick up a few of the girls they'd snagged down in Philly." he says, his tone rushed until he continues. "Now again, what the fuck are you doing here? What the hell is all of this about? You let him pump you full of drugs, Jen? How did he even find out?!"

He motions to the numerous baggies sprawled out on the bed around me, his face twisted up in anger when he let's his eyes rest on a band still tied rather tightly around my arm.

I yank it off with an eyeroll.

I somehow forgot about the drugs... How did my mind manage to just brush over that upon coming to, and assessing my situation and surroundings?

The moment I allow myself to remember though- my body is instantly filled with the aches and pain of wanting more.

"He said I got fat..." I respond, my voice still weak though I instantly begin to groan in pain.

Rob makes his way over to the bed where I still lay, offering me a bottle of water though the look on his face still reads frustrated.

"Okay, and how did you get here, Jena?!" he snaps as I raise my hand to grab the bottle with no strength. "You're supposed to be in California with that fucking family! Isn't that what we agreed on?! When you had me risk everything to hide this for you?!"

His borderline yell is almost too overwhelming for me to listen to. Every nerve in my body stands on edge.

I don't feel like doing this right now!

I don't feel like doing anything. I feel like shit, physically, and now mentally. Honestly, the only thing any of this is making me want to do is pick up that needle and erase it all over again.

"I had to tell him at some point, Rob!" I snap as I manuver the bottle to my lips in a way to where it won't spill when I attempt to drink it laying down.

He responds immediately, punching his fist into the air as his face grows hot with anger, and his borderline yell turns into a full one.

"But not right now, Jen!" he practically screams at me. He better know something about the bugs being disabled in Dane's house or something, because I'm not up for dealing with Dane's bullshit if not. "-Not without thoroughly thinking this shit through! You put too many lives on the fucking line for that, Jen! When the fuck are you going back to California?!"

As soon as he says it, Harper comes to mind. My hourly check-ins come to mind- and how I never even got to check to see if I'd sent her the message letting her know I was going to sleep...

"My phone..." I say as the realization hits my mind. I weakly raise my arm to point at my purse, still sitting seemingly untouched in the corner of the room. "I need to text them!"

Jenalyn: A Splitting Personality (#2) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now