Chapter 45: Jenalyn

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Wednesday, 11:02 P.M.

Dane storms through the door, beelining straight to where both Evelyn and I sit on the living room couch. 

"Let's go, Jena," he demands as he practically rips me from the couch. He rushes me to the bathroom across from the room where T still lay.

He physically lifts me into the bathtub and immediately begins to strip the torn clothes from my body. He eyeballs each and every one of the numerous marks I now have riddled across my skin.

"Why the fuck did you come here behind my back if you only wanted to see Evelyn?" he snarls as he forcefully rotates me to check my back. 

I easily let out a few sobs- anxiety rising to my chest as I imagine him to find a flaw in my bruising, or even somehow being able to tell that they're from Rob, and not T.

"Because I knew we'd be able to do normal things if you were away, and I just wanted to-"

Dane cuts me off, rotating my body once more until I face him again. "-And you thought it smart to let T fucking bring you to one of my properties, alone?" he snaps, grabbing my shoulders with force and shaking me. "Come the fuck on, Jenalyn! Use your God damned brain!" 

I cry out again, apologizing and telling him I didn't think it was stupid because T is one of his men. This act is easy to fall into because it's not unlike me to make such stupid decisions.

Dane is quick to release me, and immediately throw my clothes back at me to demand I redress.

"He fucked you, Jen? Hit you? And you weren't going to fucking say anything?!" he asks with a fire in his eyes that I know means he's pissed. He lights a cigarette as I scramble to get back into my clothes. "What the fuck did he say to you that caused that?!"

Tears stream down both of my cheeks now, but I manage to climb back into my pants and pull them over my sore hips.

I have to remember the lines that Rob fed me now. Though a dislocated and broken jaw will keep T's story contained tonight, we still need to cover our asses in case he wants to start spewing lies after healing.

"He was going to tell you he caught me doing shady shit!" I cry out, playing my role perfectly as I improvise a guilt factor into the script. "I knew that you'd believe him, and beat the fuck out of me because you always expect that I'm doing shady shit!"

Dane laughs, but it's not a laugh of entertainment. Anger radiates off of it as it fills the tense bathroom air.

"And why shouldn't I expect that now? Huh, Jena?" he asks, approaching me slowly, and with skepticism. "You were being fucking stupid out here thinking you wouldn't get caught because I was away, huh?" 

"I knew you'd think that!" I cry loudly, falling back onto the edge of the bathtub and raising my hands to my face. I knew he'd say something along those lines.

Rob did too... so we prepared for this. 

"Believe what you want to, Dane... do what you have to do. I only told you because Rob made me!" I cry, "I don't even care anymore, you'd never believe me anyway!"

Dane flicks his cigarette into the toilet, the sound of it sizzling out filling the long silence he leaves between us.

I hope he's overthinking my words. I hope that, internally, he's feeling bad that I'd carry this weight around without telling him in fear of getting my ass beat- when he's supposed to be 'my man.' He's supposed to protect me from some perverted henchman who took shit too far- not punish me.

Even if this is all a lie, and I probably should get my ass beat...

Dane sighs after a few moments, immediately walking toward the door and pulling something from his waistband. "C' mon," he says as he swings open the door and heads toward the room across the hall.

The next few moments happen so fast, I'd have probably missed it if I took a second to blink upon entering.

Dane walks straight to the pile T forms on the floor, his hands clenched around a pistol pointed right at the back of T's head. Without saying anything, or even waiting to see if T were conscious enough to try to say something to him- Dane pulls the trigger three times, sending blood and brain matter soaring around the room.

Rob and Evelyn told me Dane would kill him if we followed through with this... and I guess I kind of knew he would myself, too...

I still can't help my jaw from dropping in both surprise and shock as I scream.

Jenalyn: A Splitting Personality (#2) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now