Chapter 83: Hayden

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Tuesday, 7:22 P.M.

The only thing I can think about when I get back to my room is Ty, and how I need him to come over to help me calm Jena's angry voices. 

Mama G wouldn't let Jenalyn get her way, and Jena doesn't like to not get her way. I grab my phone from where it landed on the pillow beside me, and immediately pull up my favorites to call him.

He doesn't respond, and my chest instantly tightens with more anger.

I'm just about to throw my phone again when it vibrates, letting me know that he's texted me.

Tyler: Hey I can't talk
right now, what's up 

I respond immediately, my fingers flying across my screen into a string of multiple messages. 

Hayden: Come sneak
in through my window
again 😊
Hayden: I'm pretty sure
I'm still grounded..
probably for the rest of
my life so...
Hayden: Better get you
used to the sneak-in,
sneak-out 😉

Ty starts to text back immediately, and I automatically let myself grow excited anticipating his arrival. 

After last night, I'm absolutely positive I could repair the damage to my psyche that Mama G had just done. 

Tyler: I can't tonight
baby girl 😞
Tyler: Sophie needs
me to spend the 
night at her house
so she can get 
some sleep. The
baby doesn't 
sleep well, so she
just asked for a 

Have my eyes just deceived me? There's so many things wrong with his response once I read them, that I don't even know how to respond for a few moments.

One, Tyler just... doesn't say no to me. That's not a thing- it hasn't been for a while now. Two, did he just friggen say he's spending the night at Sophie's? And three- DID HE JUST FUCKING SAY HE WAS SPENDING THE NIGHT AT SOPHIE'S?!

My fingers are already swiping across my screen before I can even finish my thought process.

Hayden: You're spending
the night at Sophie's?
Hayden: Why can't you
just take the baby to your
house if that's what this is
all about? 😑

He responds quick again, pleasing the part of me that'd think he was already balls deep inside of her if not.

I can't help myself from still growing more angry though- it's residual from my conversation with Mama G downstairs a little bit ago, and now fueled by Ty's inability to come make me feel better. 

Tyler: The baby is
barely two days old,
Hayden lol Sophie 
doesn't want her 
traveling around 
until she's at least
a month
Tyler: You don't need
to worry lol
Tyler: You can trust 
me baby girl.

It's easy for Jena to take me once I'm already actively feeling her emotions. 

She's just not having it. 

She wastes no time taking my mind, and bringing along a whole storm of thoughts and emotions while she does it. I don't even bother responding to him. I've got too much going on in my head right now to even attempt it. The next string of thoughts to pass my mind fly by so quickly I find myself just mindlessly reacting until they fly by again.

I'm not doing this, I think furiously in my mind as I rummage through my closet and toss very unplanned and mismatching outfit into a suitcase. I'm not doing any of this anymore!

My phone rings behind me- I'm sure it's Tyler. I'm sure it's Ty looking to talk to Hayden though. Hayden, who let Mama D think keeping me from Pennsylvania was a concept. And Hayden, whose boyfriend is going to end up sleeping with his ex tonight because she just isn't good enough. 

Hayden's not here. And Hayden should never be here again. I mean- her life can't be all that dandy if she keeps needing me to get shit done for her.

And I'm just not fucking doing it! 

I've got my own shit to take care of...

I let the phone ring out, jumping on top of my suitcase until I can successfully zip it, and then pulling it from my closet with purpose. 

I shove it out of my bedroom window in an instant, letting it slide down the terrace until it catches on the gutter drain and sits waiting for me on the laundry room roof.

With a deep sigh, I run back to my bed to grab my phone, and then climb out the window myself.

Fuck all of this Hayden shit.

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