Chapter 90: Jenalyn

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Wednesday, 7:41 A.M. EST

I don't feel like I'm going to die anymore, but I am so high.

So high that I spent the last hour, I guess, just sitting here... sitting here just staring at the fist sized holes in the wall, and feeling... nothing.

Feeling nothing, but feeling so good.

Dane shuffles around his room, unnoticed by me until he's already moved out of my line of sight to do something else. I might've heard his phone ring at some point, but I don't even know. My back itches, but I'm too lazy to scratch it. When I finally bring myself to even wiggle my fingers in an attempt to scratch it, I forget what I was even doing in the first place.


Sparkles tickle my eyelids- why are they so... white? White sparkles and eyelids. It just feels so... pretty!

I was nodding out. I jerk my eyes open when my body starts to fall limp and threaten falling off the bed.

Oh, that wasn't a threat... I open my eyes once I'm on the floor. Did I really just imagine that?

Wow. Wow wow wow!

I don't even realize Dane scoops me up off of the floor until my body jerks violently in fear that it's falling from his arms.

"You're so high, babygirl- how's that feel?" I think I hear him say as he places me back on the bed.

My body immediately falls limp again as my eyelids fall shut. "Iono isjus.. isjus pretty iguess." I hear my voice fill the room, though I can actually feel it when I start to nod out this time.

I don't know if Dane's chuckle is real life, or just a hallucination that's pushed it's way into my daze- but I respond with my own chuckle just because I can.

"You're going to come down soon," Dane's voice fills my daze again, transforming itself into my own voice as it continues. "You're gonna come down soon, we can't have that!"

We can't have that! We can't have that..! We can't have that..? What can't I have? I can have anything!

I feel like I'm opening my eyes, but I still only see the back of my eyelids.

And sparkles! The sparkles are back. I like the sparkles. Why do they tickle so much? I giggle.

"Want me to get it for you?" I hear through the twinkling sound filling my mind. I watch the sparkles dance around the back of my eyelids.

Get it for you. Get what for you? What am I getting? "I got it!" I exclaim with another giggle.

The sparkles go away, but my eyes still tickle. I try to peel my eyelids open, but no such luck... I think?

I can see Dane's bedroom start to form around me, but it feels like a dream. It looks like a dream too- but it just feels... fake. I don't hate it.

"I'm going to take that as a yes." I hear Dane say with a snide, but satisfied undertone. I hear him, but I don't see him. I look around his dreamlike bedroom only to find that I'm alone.

Maybe it was just in my head again. Everything is in my head. Everything is always in my head just... up there causing a ruckus.

I hate my head sometimes, but right now I like it. I like the way it floats above my shoulders, so effortlessly turning through the thick dreamlike air like it was a heated knife through butter.

Sparkly is a feeling. I feel so sparkly, I let myself zone out for I don't even know how long, just...feeling.

Jenalyn: A Splitting Personality (#2) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now