Chapter 76: Jenalyn

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Monday, 7:50 P.M.

You'd think it'd be harder to sneak into the house that Harlee Gold freaking lives in. Shit- had I known how easy it was before this whole Hayden deal, I might've tried to break in just to meet the girl!

"You really had me climb up a terrace," Dom says quietly, scoping out my bedroom with his face pleased before turning to me with a smirk. "I take it your parents don't let you see boys or something?" he asks.

My brows flatten, and I cross my arms over my chest pretending to be offended. "It's just my mother," I say with a small giggle. "And no- not the case, actually. I managed to get myself 'grounded' today. So... yeah, you climbed my terrace."

Dom laughs, nodding his head understandingly before letting out an exaggerated sigh. "I remember those days..." he says as if he were 45 years old, reflecting on his life. "So glad I'm beyond those years... so, so glad!" he teases.

I roll my eyes, checking that my bedroom door is locked one more time before making my way over to my bed to sit beside him.

You can tell he spent a little extra time in the mirror before coming here today. His crisp white T-shirt, gelled up hair, and overuse of men's cologne just scream what his intentions were coming here tonight.

Thank God Mama G shoved me off in the bedroom by the dogs room and library, or she may have been able to smell him from all the way downstairs!

"You're like, what? 19?" I say condescendingly with a smile. "I'm sure had you not signed an acting deal, you'd still be living with your parents too!"

Dom laughs as if I'd cracked the funniest joke before turning to me and trying to reel it in. "I am 19." he confirms after a moment. "And you are probably right about that! But they wouldn't be grounding me and I wouldn't be sneaking girls in!"

I flatten my brows, unimpressed, but keep my demeanor joking. "Are you- are you complaining, Dom?" I ask with a snarky tone, and my eyes narrowed. "Because it really sounds like you're complaining, and I'm just confused about that because... well, you're here, aren't you?"

Dom laughs, but I can see on his face that he doesn't know how to respond in his usual confidence demeanor because he's flustered. His cheeks grow flushed, and for a moment I just catch him staring at me before he shakes it off and clears his throat.

"It's uh... it's okay," he says after a moment. "You're younger than I am, so... I won't hold it against you." he says, changing his tone real quick.

It's crazy how good I've gotten at this... Hayden would be so ashamed.

Dom has to physically look away, and nervously run his hand through his hair before he can turn back to me with only a piece of the confidence he walked in here with.

He doesn't give up though. I think I like that about him.

"So uhm- McKaila!" he says after a moment. I'm really confused before I realize that he's really going along with this whole 'practice for the show' bullshit- I forgot that's the name of my character. "What exactly is it that you'd like to know about the ever so bitchy, but loveable McKaila?"

I reposition myself on my bed so that I face him better, and contemplate my next words a little carefully as not to... scare him.

I don't really have the patience to sit around and play along with his 'I want to fuck you but don't know how to just come out and say it' deal. We both know he's not here to go over some lines for a show that we don't even start filming until next year.

"Let's talk about something else?" I suggest, though I make it sound like a question. I pull my legs up onto my bed, changing my position to that of something I know he'd like to look at, but isn't too slutty or implying.

Dom raises a brow but quickly responds with eagerness. "Okay, what?" he says almost excitedly.

I pretend to rack my mind, though I know generally everything that I have to say to make this guy realize it's a go.

"Hmm... well, tell me something about you!" I say after a few moments of faking contemplation. "Like... are you a true Disney star? I heard they have to take purity oaths and shit to keep contract. That's crazy!"

Dom laughs like I'd told the funniest joke again, raising his brows at me in disbelief that I'd ask that question before letting his laughter falter off.

"Definitely not." He says matter of factly after a moment. "Definitely definitely definitely not! You're about to be on Disney Channel, you know! Did they have you take that oath?!"

I laugh too, though definitely not as dramatic as he did. "I took the oath!" I exclaim with a mix of excitement and sarcasm. "That's why I was asking! Just making sure we were on the same page, cause... ya know, I snuck you in! Assumptions could've been made!"

Dom's brows furrow together in confusion, his face falling flat for a moment before he responds with a disappointed tone. "Wait, there really is an oath?!" he very gullibly asks before catching onto my sarcasm and letting out another laugh. "Ahh! You had me there for a second!"

I laugh too, trying not to let the impatience that settles over my body show through it.

He was pretty disappointed when he let himself believe I took a purity oath- he's definitely playing the same game as me.

"So, you're only like- what? 16?" he asks hesitantly after a second, trying to brush off the embarrassment of actually having had believed me. "Isn't a purity oath like engraved into your DNA at that age? Especially being a Gold?"

I'm 17, but I don't even bother to correct him.

This time it's me who busts out laughing. I nod my head for a second, trying to shoot him a serious glare, only to bust out laughing again before I can respond.

"Were those your hopes tonight, climbing up my terrace to sneak into my bedroom?" I ask after I contain myself, dipping a little bit more than my toe in the water as my monster begins to wake up expecting me to have taken care of the small talk already. "- were you hoping for a pure little 16 year old to sneak you into her bedroom? Are those really the vibes you've been picking up on?"

Dom instantly raises a brow and cocks his head to the side in interest. I can see a small bit of surprise on his face before it changes to a mix of both satisfaction and low-key excitement.

Jenalyn: A Splitting Personality (#2) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now