The Evergreen ball

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Dedicated to Alexis_Laurens for being a very good friend and a great supporter

"Tsunami dear, how glad I am that you came!" Queen Coral shook her daughters hand while struggling to keep a grip on her youngest daughter Auklet, as the little girl struggled to get away.

Tsunami smiled. "Well it's a ball isn't it mother? I couldn't very well miss one of those. I hope you do not mind, I brought some one. I know you dislike him, but . . . we have grown quite close over the last year or so, and he really is not as bad as you once thought of him. Please, do give him a chance."

Coral eyed the boy beside her daughter with n un-hidden displeased expression.

"Oh very well, but if he makes on foul move I shall have him removed."

"Yes mother" Tsunami said. She curtsied neatly and held out her hand to the tall lad beside her.

"Come on Riptide, don't worry, I promise I'll protect you."

Riptide sighed. "Deathbringer will have a laugh. A woman has to protect me from her own mother."

"What was that?" Tsunami asked, she tapped her foot in time to the beat of the music. "Nothing" Riptide answered.

"Nothing at all"

"Right then, shall we dance?"

"I . . . yes"

Tsunami's pearl encrusted dress swirled around her as she danced, Riptide dancing awkwardly with her.

"You-you look very beautiful tonight Tsunami" Riptide said bashfully.

"Don't I always? Come now, dance with me properly. Put your hand here on my hip, yes there, stop being a ninny, there, yes-no! Keep it there! Yes, now we move like this, see? It's not that hard."

Slowly the dancing began to feel less awkward, and more natural, almost a pleasant pass time. He let Tsunami lead, letting himself get lost in the music.

Suddenly, Tsunami peered around, her eye's narrowed.

"Who are you looking for?" Riptide asked.

"Glory. Have you seen her?" Riptide shook his head, Tsunami scowled.

"She's probably hiding off in some dark secluded spot with her assassin."

"Who, Deathbringer? I thought he was just Glory's body guard."

Tsunami snorted. "Oh yes. If it were up to Glory, every one would think that. But honestly, have you heard them talk to each other? It couldn't be more obvious that they are courting. I don't know what anyone could possibly see in him. Do you?"

Riptide thought about it.

"Well, he's young, healthy, intelligent. His assassin skills must give him quite the upper hand when protecting her. Not to mention he's quite handsome. Honestly I can't think of many other things a woman would want. He seem's like the type she would find extremely desirable."

Tsunami pursed her lips as though that hadn't been what she had hoped to hear at all.

"That's just the thing though. She need's someone a little less 'perfect'. Someone more down to earth. Take a look at you. You are kind, smart, good at fighting, humble and handsome but not too handsome. Like, handsome, but in a more kind way.

The problem with Deathbringer is that he knows that he is desirable. He knows he could have anyone in her kingdom, and he chooses her. The heir to two kingdoms. Dose that not sound even the smallest bit suspicious to you?"

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