Chapter I

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Beca's POV

"Shit, Stace..." I breathe.

Stacie pokes her head out from under the sheets and smiles at me.


"Good?" I laugh. "Fucking amazing as always."

"Thought so." She kisses my stomach then crawls up and kisses my lips.

Stacie's always been so good to me. We've been best friends ever since college and she's been my right-hand woman the entire time. You may think that having sex with your best friend is strange and it is but Stacie and I made an agreement a few years ago that we'd be friends with benefits. We're still best friends but we sleep together whenever we want to. No, we're not a couple. We're just friends who have casual sex with each other. Of course, nobody knows about that, especially the public. My face is everywhere because of my music career and Stacie's is everywhere, too, because of her modeling so we don't want people to know that we're sleeping together. That wouldn't look good and plus, it's nobody's business.

Stacie and I aren't relationship people but we still do need to relieve our stress somehow so we thought that being friends with benefits would satiate our needs and it does quite well. Some people may think that sleeping together would make things weird between us but it hasn't. Stacie's an attractive woman, like, VERY attractive. She's got long, dark brown hair, long legs, big boobs, beautiful smile, and a rockin' body. Both women and men drool over her but Stacie doesn't want them. Sure, she likes the attention but she knows that those people just want to get into her pants. Stacie may be pretty but she's got more brains than you think. She's got an Honours degree in Science. Not many people know the first thing about science so Stacie's got her smarts about her, that's for sure.

Me, on the other hand, I've got music smarts. I've been in the music industry for a little while now. I've just turned thirty and I'm already a millionaire. A few years after I graduated from college, something my dad made me go through, I was able to get signed by DJ Khaled to produce my own record label and the rest is history. To put it simply, the world loves my music and they keep asking for more. I'm living the dream life and I couldn't be happier.

"Coffee?" Stacie asks, sliding out of bed.

"Coffee? I need a cigarette after that!"

Stacie laughs as she stands up. "Me, too. Black?"

"I'll tell you if I want anything else." I reach out and slap Stacie's bare ass as she puts on my discarded flannel from last night.

I'm not one to make rude or inappropriate comments about a woman's body but Stacie has an amazing ass. It just snaps back into place every time I slap it. Yes, Stacie and I can do that stuff to each other and have it not be weird. We know what our deal is and we're okay with that. We're not using each other as some might think. I mean, I guess we are in a way but we're still friends. Even though I'm not a relationship person, I can see how Stacie and I are pretty much in a relationship just without the commitment. Stacie and I both know that no matter what happens, we've got each other's backs and we have. I never thought I'd have this kind of relationship with anybody but I do with Stacie and I like it. I've liked it enough to have it last several years so that's something.

I stretch out then get out of bed and throw on some sweat pants and a t-shirt before heading downstairs. I go into the kitchen and see Stacie making our morning coffee.

"Here, babe," she says, handing me my coffee.

"Thanks." I take the mug and squeeze her ass, which makes her giggle. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Pancakes, please!" She sings, sitting down at the kitchen bench.

"On it." I put my coffee down and get a start on breakfast.

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