Chapter LII

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Chloe's POV

I'm glad that Beca and I have been able to come to an agreement about Emily without lawyers. I really didn't want to put Emily through that and Beca and I didn't need the stress. We made an agreement that Beca would have Emily on the weekends and every Friday afternoon, I take Emily over to Beca's to stay. Emily gets so excited when she sees Beca. It still melts my heart. They seriously are the best of friends and I'm glad Emily has someone she can look up to. She adores Beca and Beca adores her. I should have ignored Tom and kept Beca. She was the best thing to ever happen to me and Emily and I fucked it all up. I know she's still mad at me and she has every right to be but I'm willing to wait for her as long as it takes.

I'm not sure if she still wants to be with me and at the moment, she doesn't but I keep remembering what she said to me that day about how she never stopped loving me. I know she said that because she thought she was going to die, which scared the shit out of me but she wouldn't have said it unless she meant it. She was there for me when I needed her. She told me that she'd get our daughter back. She said and did all of these things and I know she wouldn't have done them if she didn't still feel something. I know it was all about Emily but the way she spoke to me and treated me said something. Not to mention that night she stayed with me. We still haven't spoken about that. We haven't spoken about any of it actually. I woke up with her arms around me as if we were still a couple. That means something - it has to.

Friday rolls around again and I'm on my way to Mitchell Studios since Beca is working a little late tonight so she told me to bring Emily around, which is fine by me and Emily. Emily loves watching Beca work and she loves playing around with the soundboard. I swear Emily is either going to be a jeweler or a musician one day. Beca's had such an impact on her it's unreal. I almost can't believe but looking at how they interact with one another, I can. Emily is pretty much a mini Beca minus the badass persona and attitude but I'm okay with that.

"Mama!" Emily races over to Beca once we reach her office.

"Champ!" Beca picks Emily up, greeting each other with their usual kiss and cuddle. "Did you miss me?"



"Did you miss me?"

"Eh," she shrugs playfully.

"Mama!" She giggles.

"Oh, of course, I did! Come here," Beca peppers Emily's face with kisses, filling the room with Emily's giggles. "Alright, now," Beca puts Emily down. "I've just got to finish up here then we can go. Is that okay?"

"Okay," Emily nods.

"Great. I'll be back in a minute." Beca walks past me and out of her office.

I look around the place and I get flashbacks of when I used to come here. Beca and I used to record together and make music. I would help her with projects and do sound tests with her. We would always have a lot of fun. My favourite time was when we stayed here for hours until we were the only ones left in the building. We'd end up being silly then muck around, which eventually led to sex. It was like we couldn't control ourselves but it brought us closer together as a couple. We would always hold each other afterward and make sure that we were both okay before breaking apart. Beca knew how important post-sex cuddles were to me and I loved her so much for it. She was so respectful and so loving. I have never met anyone like her before. I didn't expect Beca to be so loving and caring but she was - she was everything I needed.

"Be careful what you touch, baby," I tell Emily who is running her fingers over Beca's soundboard.

"I will, mommy."

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