Chapter XII

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Beca's POV

I feel really good about my time with Chloe the other night. I had a lot of fun with her and I'm glad I decided to give us a go. We got to know each other more and I'm starting to like her so much so that we're currently out for lunch. Chloe is looking beautiful as always. She's wearing dark blue jeans, brown boots, and a red shirt with her hair down. She doesn't even need to try to look beautiful. I've dressed casually in dark jeans, black boots, and a white blouse with my leather jacket over the top. We're at a nice restaurant and we're sitting outside on the balcony since it's a sunny day and the view is good as well.

"I'm really glad you asked me out today. It's exactly what I need after this week," Chloe tells me.

"No worries. I'm glad you said yes. I need to unwind, too. It's been hectic."

"I bet. So, ah... listen... I want to ask you something..."

"What's that?"

"Well, tomorrow I'm taking Emily out for a girls day. We haven't had much time to do stuff like that together and I was wondering if you wanted to come along?"

"W, what?"

"Would you like to come out with me and Emily tomorrow for our girls day?"

Did she really just ask me that?

"I... That's... That's really sweet of you, Chloe, but I don't want to intrude."

"You won't be. I'm inviting you."

"I know but you just said that you haven't had much time to do things with her so maybe it should just be the two of you."

"Seriously, it's okay, Beca. I want you to come and Emily wouldn't mind."

"I... I don't know, Chloe... Don't you think it's a little soon?"

"I've thought about that a lot, trust me, I have but I think it would be good for you to properly meet Emily and get to know her as well. I don't want to rush things either but Emily is my priority and I think it's important that we include her in things to see how you feel."

"But what about us?"

"I really like you, Beca, and I would like to pursue something with you and I think you feel the same way if that kiss in the alleyway was anything to go by."

"True," I nod.

"I know you're scared and hesitant about meeting Emily but as I said to you that night, we'll take it slow and just see how you go. Emily really is a sweet girl who loves everybody. She thinks you're pretty."

"That doesn't mean that she'll like me."

"Oh, Beca!" She laughs. "She likes everybody. I honestly wouldn't worry about her not liking you."

"I still don't know how to act around kids, Chloe."

"That's okay. I know you don't but you'll be fine. It might take you a bit to loosen up but you'll get to know her and know how to interact with her. It comes naturally. It's not something you really have to learn and it's not like I'm just going to leave you with her and expect that you know how to look after her and stuff."

"God, I hope not."

"No," she chuckles. "It'll be fun. We'll go out, have lunch together, go shopping, and all that stuff. So, what do you say?"

I honestly don't know what to say. I understand that Emily is Chloe's priority and I won't ever make her feel that she's not. I admire Chloe for putting her daughter first and looking out for her but I'm not sure if I'm ready to meet her again and spend the day with her. I've never really been good with kids and I don't want to NOT be good with Emily. I like Chloe, I do, but I feel that we need to spend more time with each other before I spend it with her daughter. We've spent a little bit of time together but not as much as I'd like. There's still heaps I've got to learn about Chloe and I want to make sure this is what I truly want before I go getting involved with her daughter and the rest of her family.

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