Chapter XLV

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Beca's POV

"Alright, this is the place," Cynth says when we pull up to Tom's car shop.

It's a dingy little place but what else do you expect in downtown L.A? I suppose it could be worse though because I actually have seen worse.

"Looks simple enough," Amy comments, scoping out the place.

"Beca?" Cynth speaks.


"Remember what I said, okay? Stay behind us and do as we say."

"Got it." I salute

She rolls her eyes at me and gets out of the car. Yeah, like I'm going to do what she says. As soon as I see Emily, I'm going for her.

"Safety off?" Amy asks as we walk towards the shop.

"Not yet. Let's see what we can find first."


"Why don't you ask that guy there?" I point out to a scrawny looking dude with glasses who is currently working on a car.

"Hey, you!" Cynth calls out.

The man looks up and his eyes widen and as we get closer, he drops his tools and runs.

"Son of a... Come back here!" Cynth begins chasing after him.

"I'll go around the back!" Amy says and rushes around the other side.

I'm still amazed that Amy is a police officer. Back in college, we used to call her Fat Amy because she was really overweight and that was the nickname she gave herself. She still has weight on her but she's lost a lot of it because she's in the police force. She's really fit though. She can run quite fast and it's quite unexpected.

While Amy runs one way, I run through the shop and out the back where Cynth was chasing that guy. I see them running through the car yard and the guy must do parkour or something since he is jumping over those cars like they're hurdles. I can see Cynth struggling to catch up so I go around the shop again and come out on the other side and when I do, the guy is running in my direction so I wait. I wait until he gets closer then I back up and sprint out and when I do, I throw all of my weight forward and tackle him to the ground.


"Gotcha, you bastard!" I roll him over and sit on top of him. "Where's Tom?" I ask in the form of a shout.


"You heard me! Where is Tom?"

"I... I don't know!"

I grab his shirt and raise my fist. "Answer me now before you have a mouthful of blood!"

"Oh, you got him? Nice!" Amy says when she reaches me.

"Thanks but I've got this, Beca," Cynth pats me on the shoulder and I reluctantly let the guy under me go. "Now," Cynth and Amy pull the guy to his feet. "What's your name and why did you run?"

"Because cops were chasing me. Wouldn't you run?" He answers breathily.

"No, because that's a sure way to make them chase you more and then we get into situations like this. You didn't answer my first question. What's your name?"


"Donald what?"


"Okay, Donald, I'm going to ask you this once or else I will have to get a bit hands-on with you. Where is Tom?"

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