Chapter XXVI

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Beca's POV

It's been a long month but I've finally finished my tour and I'm on my way back to Los Angeles to my family. I can't believe that I have a family now. I've missed Chloe and Emily so much. I talked with them regularly but it was never the same. Sometimes talking with them made my homesickness worse but they kept me going and now I can't wait to hold them in my arms again. I've just got off my plane and am about to collect my bags, which means I have to call Chloe. I told her that I'd call her as soon as I got back so she knows when to expect me so I grab my phone and call her and she answers pretty much straight away.

"Hey, baby!" Her cheery voice makes me smile.

"Hey, Chlo! I'm just getting my bags from the airport now then I'll head straight over."

"Awes!" She squeals. "I can't wait!"

"I can't wait either, babe. Is Emily at preschool?"

"Yes, she is. You can come with me to pick her up. She'll be so excited."

"Done. I've missed that kid."

"Well, she's pretty much your daughter, too, babe."

"My... my daughter?"

"Yeah... Like, if you want her to be. You're apart of the family and she calls you mama. I wanted to have this conversation with you earlier but I didn't want to distract you from your tour. We can talk about it more when you get back though."

"Okay, sure. I'll text you when I leave the airport."

"Alright. Columbian coffee and chocolate chip cookies on the side?"

"You're amazing."

"You are."

"Okay, nerd. I've gotta go now," I laugh.

"Okay, babe. I'll see you soon!"

"See you soon!"

I hang up and can't control my smile. Chloe Beale is such a dork but she's my dork and so is Emily. I can't wait to see them again. I've missed them so much. I'm going to give them the biggest kisses and cuddles ever. God... They've turned me so soft it's unreal. I never thought I'd be a family woman but I am and it's amazing. Emily is like my own kid... The thought makes me smile more and get butterflies in my stomach. My kid... My... daughter. Hm. Interesting.

"Are you ready to go, Miss Mitchell?" My chauffer asks.

"Yes, let's go."


Stacie's POV

This past month couldn't have finished any sooner. As much as I loved touring around Europe, I just want to go home, relax, and see my beautiful girlfriend who I have missed so much. I'm currently on my way to her place now and the best part is that she doesn't know. She knows that I'm on my way back but she's expecting me a few hours from now. I thought I'd surprise her. I know she's been super busy with work so I think me surprising her will be nice. I've never surprised her like this before so this should be interesting to see how she reacts. I hope she's just as happy to see me as I am her. We've got a lot of time to make up for and I have a few ideas in mind of how we're going to do that...

I arrive out the front of Aubrey's place, grabbing my bag and telling my driver to take the rest of my things back to my house. I packed in advance so I've got clothes to last me a few days because I have a strong feeling that I'm going to be staying at Aubrey's for a while.

I reach the front door and I don't bother knocking for obvious reasons. Thankfully, it's open so I let myself in and quietly shut the door behind me. The place is quiet; really quiet. I look around the living room and the kitchen and fail to find Aubrey. She must be here since the door was open. I keep looking until I hear a noise - a giggle - coming from upstairs. Sounds like her giggles... I creep up the stairs and the giggles get louder. I'm pretty confident that she's in the bedroom. The closer I get to the bedroom, the more giggles I can hear and even some chatter. Is she with someone? She didn't mention that she was going to have company when I got back. I listen in closely and it's definitely Aubrey. Who is she talking to and more so, giggling with? And even MORE so, who is she doing it with in the bedroom?

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