Chapter XXV

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Aubrey's POV

It's been a long day on set again but the movie is coming along nicely. Things are going to plan just how I like it. We're about three-quarters of the way through so far. It's been a bit hectic organising Chloe's schedule since this movie takes up the majority of her time but I've been able to manage. Right now, the cast and crew are having a lunch break and so am I. I'm getting a coffee for myself and for Chloe as we wait for our lunch to arrive.

"Hey, Aubrey," I turn around and see Jesse approach me.

"Oh, hey," I smile.

"How's it going?"

"It's going well. What about you?" I grab my coffee from the table while Jesse makes his own.

"Yeah, same."

"Are you happy with how the movie is coming along so far?"

"Yeah, it's everything I'd hope it would be. Chloe is doing a great job."

"She is. She's not the best actress in Hollywood for being crappy."

"That's true," he chuckles. "We haven't had much time to talk, you and me."

"We haven't?"

"No. We need to properly catch up. I only see you around the set but we're both busy. How about after work we go and get a drink together?"

"A drink?"

"Yeah, just something casual so we can unwind and catch up."

He smiles at me and I don't see any double meaning in what he says. He's been good with me as in he hasn't tried hitting on me or anything like that. Besides, it's just a drink and I have missed Jesse. He's a good conversationalist and he's a good friend to have. I don't see the harm in going out for a casual drink with him as friends.

"Okay, sure. I'm free tonight so a drink sounds good. I need to unwind. It's been a busy week."

"You're telling me..." He laughs. "Chloe's lucky to have you as an agent though. I've never seen someone work so hard and deftly as you. You're amazing at what you do."

"Oh, thank you," I chuckle, feeling my cheeks redden.

"I mean it. You're amazing. I need an agent like you."

"Stacie says the same thing."

"Stacie... How's it going between you two?"

"It's going well. It's a bit hard at the moment since we're not with each other and we've been away from each other for a month now but she's only got one more week before she comes back to L.A so I can't wait."

"I've seen Stacie on billboards, at bus stops, park benches, trains, TV, online, and more but I am still yet to meet her in person."

"I know the feeling. I kept seeing her everywhere, too and I end up meeting her in a bar with Chloe."

"No way! A bar?"

"Yeah, something straight out of a movie, right?"

"For sure! Is that how you two got together?"

"Pretty much. I've always had a bit of a crush on Stacie so you could imagine how unreal it was for me when she liked me back. God, I sound like a teenager," I laugh.

"No, you're fine," he chuckles. "It's good that you're happy. You deserve it."

His words are soft and kind and that's one of the many reasons why I like Jesse so much. As a friend, of course.

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