Chapter XXXIX

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Aubrey's POV

It's been weeks since I've seen Stacie - WEEKS. I miss her so much and I'm so miserable without her. I feel like shit for not telling her the truth sooner but now it's too late - I've lost her. I've tried to get in contact with her but she doesn't respond and I'm pretty sure she's blocked my number, which hurts. I can't imagine what Stacie must be feeling right now but I intend to fix it. I know she's not receiving nor wanting any correspondence from me but she has to talk to me eventually if we're ever going to sort this out. I know I haven't done the best by Stacie but I want to make things right between us. I'm so miserable without her and I can't go a day longer without seeing her. I need to make this right, which is why I'm going to her place.

I am fully aware that I am the last person she wants to see right now but this has gone on long enough and I know I should have just told Stacie the truth long ago. Even though we haven't been together for a few weeks, I still know Stacie's schedule and I know that around this time she is on the couch with popcorn as she watches the latest episode of her TV show - a show we used to watch together but I haven't been able to without her. With sweaty palms and shaky breath, I approach Stacie's front door and ring the doorbell before I overthink and bail. I know she'll probably slam the door in my face but I have to push her to listen to me. Again, I know she won't want to but this is the only way we can sort things out between us.

I wait and wait and wait and just when I think she's not going to answer, the door opens and she looks so fucking sexy in her pyjamas of booty shorts and a skimpy tank top. I gulp at the sight and I can feel my cheeks flush. As grateful as I am to be blessed with such a sinful yet delicious sight, why is she answering the door like that? I could have been anyone. Was she willing to show off her goodies to whoever came to her door? The thought makes me unsettled and as much as I want to tell her off, I have more important matters to attend to.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She snaps and as expected, she goes to shut the door in my face but I grab the door to stop her.

"Stacie, just hear me out, okay?" I beg.

"Here you out? You're kidding me, right? Get lost."

"Stacie!" I push the door open. "PLEASE just give me a chance. One chance is all I ask. At least let me explain everything. I know you're not happy with me and you have every right to be but just let me tell you what's been going on. Please, Stacie..."

Stacie doesn't say anything. Her beautiful eyes stare into mine and I'm worried that she's going to try and shut the door in my face again or tell me to piss off. I know she probably hates me right now but she just needs to LISTEN.

"Fine," she sighs.

"Thank you."

She steps aside, allowing me to enter her house and I can smell the freshly made popcorn and I can hear the TV in the living room. God, I've missed this place. It's been too long since I've been here. Too long since Stacie and I have danced together in the kitchen while making breakfast. Too long since I cuddled up to Stacie on the couch with a blanket. Too long since I fell asleep in her protective arms. It's been too long.

"Alright, you wanted to talk so let's hear it," Stacie begins.

"You don't want to sit down or...?"

Stacie purses her lips and cocks her head to the side, unimpressed and agitated.

"Right, sorry..." I fiddle with my fingers then quickly calm myself before I begin. "Stace, I never meant to hurt you - I really didn't. I know I should have told you sooner but I couldn't."

"What, told me that you were cheating on me with Jesse?"

"W, what? No!"

"Oh, cut the crap, Aubrey! I know you were seeing him behind my back! I was just too much of an idiot to realise it sooner. All of those times you were "working late at the office", I was an idiot and I hate myself for not taking notice sooner and calling it for what it was."

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