Chapter XXIX

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Stacie's POV

It's been a week since I've spoken to Aubrey. I still don't understand why she got so snappy at me. I don't think what I was asking was unreasonable. I just don't get it. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it either. I try to occupy myself with things but I always end up thinking about Aubrey.

"I know it's easier said than done but I wouldn't worry about it too much, Stace," Beca tells me.

I've told Beca that I've had trouble with Aubrey and like the best friend she is, she's come over to hang out with me and give me support. I like how she hasn't changed who she is since she's been with Chloe. She still has time for me and others. The main thing Chloe has done is bring out Beca's soft side, which is absolutely adorable and adds more character to her.

"I know it is but I just don't get why she reacted like that..." I say.

"What exactly happened?" Beca hands me a hot chocolate and sits next to me.

"I asked her if there was anything wrong between us. She said that there wasn't and said that she didn't like me accusing her of things, which I didn't. She got really defensive. It was like she thought I was talking about something completely different. I've never seen her so... wired. We've had arguments and disagreements before but nothing like this. I don't know what happened that night..."

Silence falls between us and I look at Beca who looks like she's thinking.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing's wrong. It just seems odd that she said that you were accusing her... It seems like an odd thing to say."

"I know, right?"

"Did she say anything else?"

"No, just that she didn't like being accused of something."

Beca purses her lips and looks at her mug.

"What?" I probe.


"You're doing that look."

"What look?"

"The look where you know something but don't say. So, spill."

"Maybe it's a different look."

"Beca, I've known you since college. You haven't changed that much. Now, what are you thinking?"

"Look, you're my best friend and the last thing I want to do is make you worry or stir shit or anything like that. You know I'm not like that."

"Of course not. What's wrong?"

"It might not be anything but..."

"But what? Beca, just tell me."

"Aubrey's been hanging around Jesse a lot."

"Jesse the director?"


"Okay... What do you mean she's been hanging around him a lot?"

"Well, they're very... friendly and they... they've been spending time together."

My heart sinks. "Is... is that where she is when she says late at work? She's really with him?"

"I'm not one-hundred percent sure but when I've asked Chloe she says that she is."

"How... how long has this been going on for?"

"A few weeks."

"A few weeks?"

"Yeah... I don't know too much about it but I found it odd. I was skeptical about it, so was Chloe but we didn't jump to conclusions."

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