Chapter VI

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Aubrey's POV

Tonight has turned out far better than I had ever intended. I've been at the bar for hours and by this time, Chloe's gone home. She wanted to get a good night sleep before picking up Emily tomorrow, which was fine by me. I was too busy with Stacie and I still am. We've been talking for hours and she truly is an amazing person. She's so intelligent and she's so down to earth. She's so much more than I thought she'd be. I can have an intellectual conversation with her about things nobody else cares about. I also have a Bachelor's degree in Science but I didn't go as far as an Honours degree. I was too busy working at a lodge that helped companies build team-working skills. Thankfully, Chloe's acting career took off and I was made her agent so it worked out for the both of us in the end and we haven't looked back.

"So, what made you get into science?" I ask.

"I've always liked science as a kid. I found it fascinating. I loved to know how things worked and how to make them work - I still do."

"Me, too. Would you go back to school if you could?"

"Probably. I'd look more into astronomy this time."

"Why don't you do one of those online courses?"

"I could but my modeling career is way too busy for any type of study. I still do my own research and study in my spare time though."

I know... I've totally stalked you online to find out what you like to do in your spare time...

"A lot of people don't expect me to be someone who likes that kind of stuff. They think I'm all boobs and no brains."

"Well, I can assure you that you're not. You're actually one of the most intelligent people I've ever met."

Stacie smiles at me and that smile is to die for. It's no wonder she's a model. She's so beautiful. She's got the perfect smile, perfect figure, perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect eyes - everything about her is perfect. It's as if she was handmade by Aphrodite herself or better yet, she IS Aphrodite. If there's ever a movie that needs to be made about the Ancient Greek Gods, I'm signing Stacie up to play Aphrodite. She'll kill the role hands down.

"Thank you, Aubrey," she says kindly. "That means a lot to me."

"You're welcome. I'm just glad that I was able to keep up."

"Oh, you never have to worry about that. You kept up and then some."

"Oh, thank you," I flush for the millionth time tonight. "It's nice to talk to people about this stuff."

"Yeah, it's great. Why did you get into science?"

"Well... the same reason as you, I suppose. I find it interesting and I think science answers a lot of questions but people don't bother to look for the answers in it."

Stacie nods with a small smile. "Eloquently put."

I smile at Stacie and that's when I fully take in the moment. It's late in the evening so the business of the bar has died down a lot. There are not many people here so it's not as loud as it once was. Stacie and I are sitting in a small booth at the back of the bar and I'm sitting close to her with her arm behind me. We're so close I'm able to smell her perfume and her natural scent and it's heavenly. It makes her one-hundred times more attractive, which I thought was impossible but this woman is full of surprises.

"Do you want to dance or something? This is a good song," Stacie says.

I tune into the music that's playing and it's Childish Gambino's Redbone. It's soft and it suits the mood and it's making me feel all sorts of things for Stacie right now.

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