Chapter XIV

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Stacie's POV

I've been with Aubrey for a few weeks now and things are going really well. She's a busy woman but we make time for each other when we can. I love spending time with her. She's such an incredible person and Chloe is lucky to have an agent like her. I thought about hiring her for myself but we wouldn't get any work done and besides, I already have an agent who has been with me since the beginning of my modeling career so I can't really be bothered to get a new one. Aubrey would be amazing but we'd fool around too much. Aubrey said that she wanted to take this relationship slow and I think that's a good idea. Nothing good can come from taking things fast - I know from experience but I was a teenager so it's only natural that I was going to stuff up.

Aubrey and I have been taking things slow and it's been going well. We've been on several dates and we managed to keep it in our pants, which is amazing considering how gorgeous she looks every time we go out. When we go out for dinner dates it gets hard since she dresses up in beautiful dresses and really brings her A-game. It's so hard not to jump her bones every time I see her like that but I care more about our relationship than sex, which is another first. God, I sound so much like a whore when I say that. I was never a relationship person but now that Aubrey's come along, I'm so different. Beca was worried about me for a bit but I reassured her that I was okay. Beca has changed as well. I haven't seen her as much as I usually do since she spends her time with Chloe and her daughter Emily. I'm yet to meet the kid but she must be alright since Beca doesn't mind seeing her.

As far as I know, Beca and Chloe are going well, which is good. Beca needs someone special in her life. Interesting choice that she picked Chloe. I'm still a little skeptical about Chloe but I'm hoping she'll prove me wrong. Beca's been through a lot and even though she acts tough, she needs someone to look after her and someone to confide in. Chloe's screwed up a lot in the past but it seems that her daughter has made her grow up a lot, which is good. Beca doesn't have time for anything else. I'll be keeping a close eye on Chloe though. I don't want Beca getting hurt. Again, she may act tough but she really does need someone to love her for who she is and be there for her. She'll always have me but she needs someone special and I really hope for her sake that Chloe is the one.

Right now, I'm out for lunch with Aubrey. I could listen to this woman talk all day. She's just so beautiful when she talks about her passions and so hot when she talks nerd talk with me. I swear I've found a woman who can do both. She's smart, wise, and organised but also hot, sexy, and amazing in the sheets. She's got the most amazing body. She can wear anything and look good. If she wanted to get into modeling, she'd get in hands down. I suggested the idea to her earlier and she laughed at me and told me not to be so ridiculous but I told her I'd bring it up another time when she has a little more self-confidence. She honestly could be a model. She's got the natural look for it. Women would kill to look like Aubrey. She's got the perfect figure for modeling and I'm not just saying that because I adore her. She really does have the perfect figure. I've been in this business long enough to know what's model worthy and what isn't.

"Thank you," I smile at the waiteress when she takes the bill from me.

"Stacie," Aubrey tuts.


"This is the fourth time you've paid."


"And I can pay, too."

"Aubrey, it's okay - I can afford it."

"I can afford it, too."

"I know but I like treating you to things."

Aubrey shakes her head with a small smile. God, she's so adorable. She doesn't even need to try. I've never met anyone so beautiful on the inside and out as Aubrey. She's the real deal. A lot of people in the modeling industry are dull and have little to no personality but then Aubrey comes along and hits me with the realness of women. I know I've only been seeing her for a few weeks but I really do like her. We get along so well and we're so right for each other. In my opinion anyway.

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