Chapter XXXVI

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Chloe's POV

"It's good to see you again, Chlo," Tom says.

"It's good to see you again, too," I smile.

It's been almost a month now since Tom met Emily and he's been really good with her. I see him regularly to check in with him and get to know him again. Beca wasn't too happy about me seeing him without her but I reassured her that everything would be fine and it has been. It's good to see how much Tom has changed. He's been a good father to Emily and Emily likes spending time with him, which is amazing. It seems that everything is falling into place.

We're at a diner for lunch and he has ordered his usual meal of a burger and fries. He's still got a big appetite, which never ceases to amaze me. He can eat so much it's astounding.

"So, I, ah... I still would like to talk about us some more, if that's okay?" He asks.

"What more is there to say?"

We've been talking about us recently and Tom has realised that what he did was crappy and that he regrets it. I appreciated it a lot and I've gotten back some respect for him. He's changed for the better and I can see that in how he acts. He's nicer, more polite, attentive, and caring. He's the Tom I wanted him to be when we were together. When we were together, he was pretty much the opposite and all I wanted was for him to treat me better and now, years later, he's doing just that. In a non-romantic way, of course.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry again and I've missed you a lot," he reaches across the table and takes my hand.

I get shivers down my spine when he does it. His hands are warm and it takes me back to the days where we used to hold hands all the time.

"I was an idiot to let you go, Chlo... I really was... I've missed you..." His thumb draws circles along my hand and I tingle.

"Tom," I utter.

"I know you're with Beca but I've changed. I want us to be a family - just the three of us."

Oh my God. Is this really happening right now?


"I know you love her but I see the way you look at me. I know how much family means to you and I was a total idiot to run off as I did. I can't tell you how sorry I am and how much I regret it but I've changed. I want to be with you and Emily. I want our family to be together."

Family... I never thought I'd hear Tom say that. I've wanted him to say it for so long. For the first year after Tom left, I wanted him to come back and be a family. I wanted him to be Emily's father. I wanted us to go through things together and come out stronger on the other side. I wanted it all and now... now I don't know what to think.

"I..." I slip my hand away from his. "I think we should just remain friends, Tom. I'm with Beca."

Tom shys his eyes away from mine. "Yeah, sure... Of course... Just... think about it okay?" He looks up at me with those cute, brown eyes of his.

"The flat white?" A waitress brings my coffee to me and I couldn't be more thankful.

"Yes, thank you," I say and take it from her.

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