Chapter V

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Chloe's POV

It's been several days and I still haven't heard anything from Beca and I'm starting to worry. Correction, I started to worry the following day and my worry only intensifies the more time goes on. I'm pretty much convinced that I've scared Beca off. How long does it take to think something over? It's not like what I was proposing was huge. I just suggested that we get to know each other. That's it! I've been so tempted to call her or just drop by her house but I don't want to seem weird or anything like that but the waiting game is killing me! I really hope I haven't scared her off but again, I feel like that's the case. I just wish she has the decency to tell me instead of leaving me hanging.

I've spoken to Aubrey about Beca and she told me to just wait, which I've been doing but it gets harder. Poor Aubrey. She's probably so sick and tired of me talking about Beca but I can't help it - I'm just so worried. I was scared to put myself out there and tell Beca how I feel and who knows if she feels the same way? She said that she'd think it over but that's not a yes. I keep thinking back to what Beca said about Emily and I understand that she's not a kid person. Beca has never struck me as someone who is a kid person but a lot of people who aren't kid people fall in love with Emily. Emily is able to turn the most anti-child person into a mushball and make them love her as if she were their own child. I seriously don't know how she got so sweet.

I really want Beca to meet Emily just to show her how kind Emily is and try and get rid of that stereotype around kids about how they're annoying and cry all the time. Emily is nothing of the sort and she never was. She was always well behaved and she still is. I have to thank my parents for helping me out with her. Without them, I don't think Emily would be the beautiful, little girl she is now. Even though Emily was unplanned, she wasn't a mistake - she was the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldn't change it for the world. I wasn't sure how I'd be raising a child on my own but my parents supported me as did my friends. I was so lucky. It's honestly a miracle things turned out so well.

Tonight, Aubrey has decided that we go out for some drinks to wind down from the busy week. Emily is staying at mom and dad's tonight so that's all taken care of. Aubrey's taken me to this casual bar and, yes, I've had a few people come up to me wanting pictures and stuff but most people leave me alone, which is good. I love my fans but tonight is one of those nights where I don't want to be bothered. I'm not in the mood for that but I'll still be civil and kind to those who approach me.

"Okay, I can't believe that I'm the one saying this to you but you need to lighten up and loosen up," Aubrey tells me.

"Sorry, Bree," I sigh.

"I know you want to hear back from her but just give her time, alright? I know it's hard but I've heard that Beca can be quite stubborn."

"I just wish that there was something I could do..."

"Time. Give her time. That's all you can do."

"Yeah, I suppose."

"Are you sure you're ready to get back out there with her?"

I laugh softly. "Don't make it sound so wonderful, Bree," I tease.

"Don't get me wrong, I think it's good that you want to get back out there but with Beca Mitchell... Yeah, I'm not so sure."

"You haven't even worked with her, Bree, so you don't even really know what she's like. Hearing things from other people and watching Beca put on a show for the world is completely different than meeting her in person and getting to know the real her."

"And have you met the real her?"

"I plan to. I really do."

"Well," Aubrey raises her martini glass to me. "Here's to that then."

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