Chapter XXX

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Aubrey's POV

I'm still not feeling great about my argument with Stacie. I still feel like an asshole for kicking her out, which I really shouldn't have done. I just get so nervous when I'm put under pressure and Chloe would be able to concur that. I used to throw up a lot whenever I was under pressure but thankfully, I've grown out of that but instead of puking, I get agitated and go to the extreme like kicking people out of my place when there is no need to. I've really wanted to call Stacie and talk to her but I always stop myself. I don't want to push things with Stacie but I don't want her to think that any of this is her fault because it's not. I know I've screwed up but I have no idea how to fix it.

I asked Jesse for some advice and, yes, I know talking to him was probably a dumb idea but I needed some advice. I spoke to Chloe and she says that I should just talk to Stacie and that's a lot easier said than done. I really hurt Stacie; I know I did. She looked so upset when she left and I wish I could just turn back time and not be such a bitch to her. Jesse said that I should talk to her and sort things out but not tell her everything, obviously, and I won't. I love Stacie and the last thing I want to do is hurt her but I haven't been doing a good job of that so far. I think what gets me is that I know that Stacie is too good for me but I love her and I don't want to let her go. She says that she loves me, too but does she love me as much as I love her? Who knows?

Right now, I'm making a coffee and I am about to go over Chloe's schedule for next week. Things have started to die down a bit, which is good. Chloe's nearly finished this movie with Jesse, which will give her more time to do things without stressing and to spend more time with Emily and Beca. Even though Beca and I butt heads a lot, she makes Chloe and Emily happy so that's the important thing. Beca was a hardass when she first started seeing Chloe but now she's simmered down and has turned into a real family woman. I never thought 'badass' Beca Mitchell would ever be a family woman but here she is moving in with Chloe and Emily and has now taken on the role of Emily's mama. I must say, it is pretty cute and heartwarming.

Once my coffee is made, I sit on the couch and begin to sort out Chloe's schedule for next week. Thankfully, it's not as difficult as it has been in the past. Chloe will be able to go to work on the set, do a few interviews, a photoshoot, then have the rest of the time at home. It's a pretty smooth week. Well, as smooth as you can get being a world-famous actress where everyone wants you. Chloe gets stressed every now and then because her life can be hectic and overwhelming but she manages it well. I always help her to stay calm and put things into perspective and Emily always makes Chloe feel relaxed and keeps her humble. Chloe's always been humble but with Emily, there's no way Chloe could be anything else.

My doorbell rings when I get about half-way through planning Chloe's schedule. Who is that? I'm not expecting anybody. Regardless, I get up and answer the door and I nearly fall over when I see Stacie in front of me.

"Stacie?" I echo.

"Hey, Aubrey. Can we talk?" Her voice is soft and it brings me some reassurance that she's not mad at me but the fact that she's straight to the point makes me a little unnerved.

"Ah, yeah, sure. Come in."

"Thanks." She walks past me, the scent of her perfume and her natural smell hitting me and the fact that I've missed her so much hits me even harder.

I close the door and follow her into the living room where I was. I close my laptop and put it on the coffee table before sitting next to her and my God does she look beautiful. It feels like I haven't seen her for another month again. I swear she keeps getting more and more gorgeous every time I see her.

"I'm sorry for just turning up unannounced but I wanted to talk to you in person," she begins.

"No, that's okay. I've told you that you're welcome here any time you want. What did you want to talk about?"

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