Chapter IV

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Beca's POV

"Okay, so... you need to back up, like, one-hundred steps..." Stacie tells me.

Thankfully, Stacie got back from her photo shoot early so she's currently sitting with me on the couch having a coffee that she demanded was ready for her before she came over. Stacie always likes coffee and cookies after a flight. She planned to go home once she got back in L.A but I pretty much ordered her to come over here. For the last half an hour, I've told Stacie everything that happened between me and Chloe. At first, she was mad that I didn't tell her sooner but she understood my busy schedule and she also knows what I'm like.

"So... she wants to date you, is that right?" She checks.

"Yes," I nod.

"And are you going to?"

"I have no idea, Stace. She said that she wants to get to know me more before she does anything serious with me, which is understandable. She's got a kid now and even though I'm not a kid person, I'd want to be extra careful who I let into my life romantically."

"Exactly, you're not a kid person. Do you really want to get with someone who has a kid?"

"You know I don't but I do like Chloe."

"Even though you two slept together once?"

I look at Stacie with a frown. "Do you not want me to be with her, Stace?"


"Please don't tell me you think more of me than your friend with benefits."

"What? No! Beca!" She slaps my arm playfully. "God, you can be so up yourself sometimes. No, I don't think that. You know our deal and I'm fine with it. If you think that I've caught feelings, you don't need to because I haven't. You are good looking, Becs, you're great in the sac, and I love you but I'm not in love with you."

"Oh, okay. Good."

"The reason why I'm asking so many questions is so you think about it more. Do you know much about Chloe?"

"Ah... I know a little."

"So, not much at all."


"Beca, come on, this is you we're talking about here."

I want to protest but she's right. I probably don't know as much about Chloe as I should and it would probably be a wise idea getting some more info from Stacie before I decide whether or not to see Chloe again.

"Okay, fine, what's there to know about her?"

"A lot. Like, a LOT."

"Alright, well, lay it on me."

"Okay, well, to start off with, I'm pretty sure Chloe's got some sort of commitment issue or something."

"What do you mean?"

"Beca, she's been with heaps of people throughout her life. She's been with heaps of guys and when she breaks up with them, she jumps onto the next guy then the next and the next. Here,"

Stacie pulls out her phone and Google's Chloe's relationship history and she's not joking. The website has an actual list of all the men Chloe has dated and some info about each of them.

"Should I be worried that they all look the same?" I say.

"Exactly. Doesn't that say that something's a bit off?"

"Well... People can have types but... I don't know."

"Listen, Beca, I'm going to be honest with you. I don't think Chloe is a very stable person when it comes to relationships. She's a very insecure woman."

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