Chapter XXXII

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Stacie's POV

"Okay, so... give me one good reason why I shouldn't just go over to her place and knock her out cold," I say.

"I knew I should have left that part out..." Beca sighs, rubbing her forehead.

"No, you did the right thing but I still want that one good reason."

I'm currently out with Beca having lunch since it's such a nice day and we don't catch up anywhere near enough as we should. I feel like every time I'm away from Beca, she has a wild adventure that I should have been apart of but I'm not particularly fussed on being the third wheel to Beca and Chloe's relationship. Beca has just told me about her predicament with Chloe and the issue with Tom. I personally think it's ridiculous since there's hardly anything nice spoken about Tom through Chloe, Aubrey, and the media. Tom was a dickhead who ran out on Chloe when she told him she was pregnant. Beca also told me what Chloe said in anger, which has pissed me right off but she says that they've made up so I'm just going to have to accept that.

"Because I love her and we've made up," Beca says.

"Fine," I huff. "But this stuff with Tom... I don't know, Becs."

"I know. Like, I want to please Chloe and be fair but this doesn't sit right with me."

"Of course it doesn't! I'd be surprised if it did. Becs, this is a lot to take in. You finally have a family and life is good and all of a sudden, Chloe's dickhead ex comes back and wants to be apart of your daughter's life. Anyone who just accepts that and lets it happen has something wrong with them or has no backbone. You and Chloe had an argument and that's okay and again, I would be very surprised if you didn't have an argument. If that was me and Aubs, I'd put my foot down, too."

"It's easier said than done..."

"Absolutely. What do you want?"

"I want Tom to piss off. I'm with Chloe and I'm Emily's mama and I don't want that scumbag in her life. I don't think that's too much to ask but according to Chloe, it is. I mean, what happens if she says yes and I still say no? What do we do then?"

"Then you cross that bridge when you come to it. There's nothing wrong with what you want, Beca. It's completely understandable and if you're not comfortable with it then you're not comfortable with it. Trust your gut instinct. Listen to it because it's never wrong."

"I'm torn between trusting my gut and going with it and giving Chloe's way a go because I want to make her happy."

"I understand that, Becs but this is something that you can't make a decision on JUST to make Chloe happy. Chloe said that there was no rush, right?"


"Then just think about it. Why don't you talk to your dad? I know you haven't spoken to him in a while but I think it'll be good if you do."

Beca sighs. "Yeah, I suppose you're right."

I sit back in my seat and look at Beca, shocked. "Wow."


"Back in the day you'd kick up more of a fuss when I suggested talking to your dad but now you've just gone with it. What has Chloe done to you?"

"Oh, shut up," she laughs. "It's not all Chloe, you know?"

"Oh, right, right, right. My mistake. Chloe AND Emily."

"You want me to punch you in the teeth?"

"You're so cute when you go all badass on me."

"Bite me, Conrad."

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