Chapter III

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Beca's POV

It's Friday, meaning that today's the day where I'm going to meet Chloe who I haven't seen since we slept together the other night. I still can't believe it happened. It was such a good night and never in my wildest dreams did I think that'd happen but it did and I feel on top of the world. Chloe is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and having sex with her was amazing. I still haven't told Stacie yet but she had to fly across the country for a photo shoot and I've been really busy so you can't really blame me there. Plus, I'm not one to share my personal life with anyone, even Stacie. I'm kinda nervous to talk to Chloe though if I'm honest. I don't know what she wants to talk to me about. All I know is that it's about our night together but what specifically about that night I don't know.

I told her to come over to my place around one so we could have lunch together. I was expecting her to say no, which would indicate that what we had was purely a one-night stand and that she just wants to put it behind her but she didn't say no. She agreed and she sounded quite... excited? I don't know. I'm not the best at reading people but I couldn't help but notice a little bit of hesitation in her tone. It was almost as if she was scared or something. I will admit that I wasn't proud of how I left things with her. We had a serious night of passion and I left the following morning because I was late for a meeting.

I feel even worse that she tried calling me the following day and I didn't answer. I was just so busy I hardly had time to look at my phone. My work phone was going off like crazy so I was swamped the entire day. But I'm glad that she didn't sound too upset when I called her back. Regardless of the reason why she wants to talk to me, she's still coming here and she'll be here soon. I had a quick shower and I've slipped into a pair of jeans and a flannel. I need to do some grocery shopping later so I may as well get dressed for it. I know I suggested lunch but I'm kinda nervous about seeing her and when I get nervous, food is the last thing on my mind, which is funny considering I'm a food whore. I barely even know Chloe and she's already doing things to me.

I pace around home a little, trying to work off my jitters until the doorbell rings. That must be her. I rake my hand through my hair and walk to the door and open it. Chloe stands in front of me and she looks beautiful. She's wearing dark jeans, tan wedged heels, and a light, green button-up shirt with her hair down and wavy. She's also got makeup on and she looks like she's going out somewhere or has already been out. Either way, she looks amazing and she's making me get butterflies in my stomach. What the Hell is happening to me? I'm badass Beca Mitchell and I'm feeling giddy because of a woman I slept with once? A hot woman though... Ugh, what is happening?

"Hey, Chloe," I smile.

"Hi!" She beams and I can feel my cold heart warm up.

"Come in."

"Thank you!"

I shut the door behind Chloe and lead her into the living room.

"Your house is beautiful," she says, looking around.

"Thanks. Yeah, it makes do," I tease.

"I'm sure it does."

"Make yourself comfortable."

"Thanks," she sits down on the couch and I join her.

"You look really nice," I blurt out and I want to slap myself.

"Aww, thank you! You look nice, too."

I laugh at her. "I appreciate it but I'm only going grocery shopping later so it's nothing exciting."

"Well, you still look nice."

"Thanks," I chuckle. "So, ah, you wanted to talk to me in person?"

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