Chapter XXI

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Stacie's POV

"Drive safely!" I wave mom and dad goodbye with Aubrey by my side.

I watch them get in their car and drive off then walk back inside when they're out of sight.

"See? That wasn't so bad was it?" I say, going into the kitchen and cleaning up.

"No, it wasn't," Aubrey giggles, helping me clean.

I knew Aubrey was going to get along with my parents. As soon as she relaxed and loosened up, she was very entertaining and she ended up having a wonderful time with my parents and I could tell mom and dad liked her, too. They actually told me whilst Aubrey was in the bathroom. They said that they liked her and that she was good for me, which I already knew but it was good to hear it from my parents. They never tell me things that I want to hear - they always give me the truth no matter how brutal it is and I've always admired that about them.

"I just hope they liked me," she says.

"I don't think you need to worry about that, babe."

"You don't think?"

"No. If they didn't like you, tonight would have gone a lot differently."

"How so?"

"They wouldn't have stayed as long as they did, they wouldn't have been as friendly towards you, and they certainly wouldn't have shared jokes and stuff with you. If they really didn't like you, they would have questioned what your plans were for the future and where you saw us going. It would have been more intense."

"Oh... Well, I'm glad they like me."

"Do you like them? And be honest."

"I do. They're really fun and kind-hearted people. They're very open and I feel like I can talk to them about anything."

My heart warms by her words.

"That's good to hear. You can talk to them about anything. They're very open people who like to listen and help."

"It's clear where you get your kind nature from then."

"I'm glad you like it."

"I love it, babe," Aubrey plants a gentle smack on my behind while I load up the dishwasher.

"Miss Posen, are you trying to seduce me?" I tease.

"I might be. What are you going to do about it?"

I look up at her and she's got a cocky smirk on her face. It's like that is it? Alright then. I finish putting the remainder of the dishes away then turn the machine on before I grab Aubrey by the hips and put her on the bench.

"There's a lot of things I can do about it, Miss Posen," I purr, rubbing her sides.

"Oh? And what do those things look like?" She folds her arms around my neck.

"Well, for starters..." I lean in and whisper some things into her ear, all of which make her blush and smile excitedly. "And then we could go to the bedroom?"

"You are such a tease,"

"Me?" I laugh.

"Yes, you. Now, come here."

Aubrey grabs my shirt and pulls me in for a kiss. Mm... This is what I'm talking about. Nothing beats kisses with Aubrey Posen.

"So, I was thinking..." Aubrey says while I kiss her neck.


"If the media or whoever caught us holding hands or kissing in public or if you decided to post something about us... I wouldn't mind."

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