Chapter XLIV

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Chloe's POV

I'm freaking the FUCK out. None of us could find Emily or Tom and it's gotten to the point where we've had to go to the police and thankfully, they're working on it right now. Thankfully, Beca and Stacie are friends with some police officers so they were quick to help us. Right now, they're going over some things while Beca, Stacie, Aubrey, and I are in the waiting room. I've been crying on and off for the past hour that the police have been working on Emily's case. Aubrey comforts me while Stacie tries to comfort Beca. She's even had to take Beca outside a few times to calm her down. Whenever something bad happens, I get upset and Beca gets angry. We usually put our way of dealing with things aside to comfort one another but... we're not together now so it's not like that anymore.

Beca has been pacing the whole time we've been here. She's pissed beyond words. She keeps saying what she's going to do to Tom when she sees him and things like that. I knew she still cared about Emily but that's not why I got her to help. I didn't use her. I really did need all the help I could get and I still do and I know that Beca will do what she can to find Emily. It brings me some comfort knowing that no matter what's happened between us, Beca will still look out for Emily and be there for her and I'm so glad she's with me now and helping me find my little girl.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Stacie asks as she walks back inside with Beca.

"I'm fine," she huffs.

Stacie doesn't look convinced but she doesn't pry further. We're all not happy about the situation and the waiting is killing us but there's nothing we can do right now except wait.

"She'll be okay, Chlo," Aubrey tells me.

"Will she? Who knows where she is. Who knows where Tom is! We don't know anything!" I sob.

"I know it's hard but we have to stay positive, okay? We'll get her back."

"I hope so..." I break down again and Aubrey collects me in her arms.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him," Beca spits.


"No, Stace. I am. I don't care if he's taken her to an amusement park and lost his phones, it's still irresponsible! She's a five-year-old girl! You don't fuck around with stuff like that. When I see him, I'm going to rip his fucking head off because he clearly doesn't use it."

Beca starts to pace again but Stacie puts her arm around her and calms her down.

"I know you're angry, Becs but let's just see what the police have to say."

"I want Emily found then I want him found so I can beat him until he's black and blue."

"Hey," Stacie tightens her arm around Beca. "It'll be okay. We'll get through this."

Beca huffs again, crossing her arms angrily. I've never seen her so mad before; not even when we broke up. I still want to talk to her about that but now isn't the time.

"Chloe?" Sergeant Adams calls my name and I leap to my feet.


"What'd you find, Cynth?" Beca asks, racing over.

"We've done a lot of research. We've called people to see if they've spotted Tom and Emily and they were last seen at the mechanic shop he works at about four hours ago."

"What was he doing at his work?" I utter.

"We're not sure. We were able to get into the camera feed and we can see him walking into the office, grabbing some paperwork, making a phone call, and leaving. They were there for about five minutes before taking off."

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