Chapter XLVII

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Beca's POV

After some intense, sneaky driving, Chloe and I have managed to find the warehouse where Emily is presumably being held. Cynth, Amy, and their team have pulled up to the warehouse but Chloe and I are parked a little bit away from it.

"This is the place..." I utter, looking at the shady building.

"I honestly had no idea he was doing this... I had no idea about any of it."

Chloe looks so heartbroken and I fear that she's going to cry.

"Hey," I reach over and take her hand, making her look at me. "It's not your fault that you didn't know. Who expects this kind of stuff? You can't blame yourself."

"I can. I took him back. I brought him into my home. I exposed Emily to him. This is all my fault."

"Chloe. Tom had a part to play in this. You didn't know he was like this and he made a choice to be this way. You're not responsible for his actions."

"I know I'm not but I still feel guilty... Emily might be in there and I have no clue what's happening or happened to her. I should have never been a mother..." She sniffs.

"Chloe," I beg, squeezing her hand. "You're a good mom, okay? You've always done the best for Emily. Yes, picking Tom was dumb but there's nothing we can do to change that now. We need to get Emily back and we need to make sure Tom gets put behind bars."

"I'm so sorry, Beca... I shouldn't have left you... I'm so sorry..." A tear rolls down her cheek but I quickly wipe it away with my thumb.

"I'm gonna get her back, Chloe. One way or another, she's coming home with us."

"Please, babe... Get our little girl back."

When she says the words, I feel a fire inside me that I never thought I'd feel. I feel powerful and a massive sense of responsibility. I need to get Emily back because she's our little girl. She IS ours and nobody else's, especially his.

"I will," I nod. "I'll get our daughter back."

"Thank you."

"Now, come on. Let's do this."

Chloe and I get out of the car and make our way towards the warehouse where the police are. I'm going to get Emily back no matter what. She's MY daughter, NOT his. Just because he's the biological father doesn't mean that she's actually his daughter. She's MY little girl and he's going to pay for taking her away from me and Chloe. I don't know what's going to happen between me and Chloe after this but I'm not going to focus on that right now. Right now, I'm going to get our daughter and if I see Tom in the process, I'm not going to hold back.

"Where is she?" I ask when I reach Cynth and Amy.

"Beca? For fuck's sake!" Cynth groans.

"Oh, hey, Becs!" Amy smiles.

"Hey. Have you located Emily yet?" I repeat.

"Beca! What are you doing here? I told you to stay at home!" Cynth snaps.

"Yeah, like I was going to listen to you."

"I knew I should have made you stay at the station. You can't be trusted."

"Yeah, well, this is my daughter we're dealing with here and if she's in there I'm gonna go and find her."

"No, you're not. You're going to go home."

"Actually, she's going to stay right here."

I turn around and see Chicago approach us and when I look behind him, I see a bunch of military soldiers jump out of trucks. They're all geared up as if they're going to war.

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