Chapter XVII

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Beca's POV

I know I said that I wasn't a kid person but Emily's quite a cool kid. I made some bracelets with her tonight and showed her some new techniques for making them as well. She's very crafty for someone her age. Chloe's very crafty, too, so it's no doubt where Emily gets it from. I don't know much about Emily's dad/Chloe's ex but apparently, he was a scumbag. I don't ask about him and I don't really want to know, to be honest. I don't like to think about the people Chloe has been with before me. Something about it doesn't sit right with me.

It's been a long but fun night and I finally hop into bed with Chloe. The last time I was here was when I slept with her all those weeks ago. Ever since we established our relationship, we've decided to take things slow and not jump the gun on anything so staying over tonight is a step. In my eyes, it is anyway. I get into bed and remember just how soft and comfortable Chloe's bed is. I get comfortable and just when I do, Chloe cuddles up next to me with her head on my shoulder, hand on my chest, and leg over mine.

"You are seriously like a koala bear," I chuckle.

"You're snuggly."

"You're killing my reputation, Beale."

"What reputation?"

"Smartass..." I grab my phone from the bedside table and check my emails and messages - something I do religiously before I fall asleep.

Chloe snuggles into me more, shifting her head further onto my chest and I see her looking at my phone. I don't stop looking through my messages and mail, in fact, I casually adjust how I hold my phone so she has a better look at it as I scroll through my messages right before her. I've got nothing to hide and she's been through a lot of shit so I think it's important to let her see that I've got nothing to hide. I still can't believe people cheated on her and lied to her. It's so wrong. Chloe's got a big heart and her exes have just stomped on it. I'm surprised she's put herself back out there, to be honest.

Women are tough but they are also very sensitive beings who need to be treated with love and care. I know I'm not one to express her feelings very much but when it comes to loving women and treating them right, you can be damn well sure I'm an ambassador for that. I know what I did with Stacie might be seen as the opposite of treating women with respect, love, and care but Stacie and I entered that relationship with a mutual agreement and we're still good friends. We still respect each other and care for each other as best friends. I'd never just have sex with a woman and leave her - I'm just not like that.

"Hey," Chloe says when I put my phone down. "What do you say that you, me, Aubrey, and Stacie go out one day? Clear the air and hang out?"

"Wow, really?"


"I'm surprised Aubrey hasn't hunted me down yet."

"She's fine. Stacie's with her so I'm sure everything is fine now."

"I hope so. I want to live until I'm at least sixty."

"I'm sure you will, babe," Chloe pecks my cheek and I get butterflies in my stomach.

Ugh, how can this woman make me feel all of these things? I always feel giddy whenever she kisses me or cuddles up to me like this. She's turning me into a softie, not that I'd ever say that aloud.

"So, what do you say?" She asks.

"Yeah, why not? It'll be good to clear the air and get together again. I've got a tour coming up next month so I think I should have some fun while I've still got the time."

"You're going on a tour?" Chloe sits up and looks at me and she looks so sexy with her hair messy and resting over her shoulders.

"Yeah, it's only for a month. It's just a US tour that's all - nothing major. Stacie's also got a modeling tour in Europe at the same time."

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