Chapter LIII

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Beca's POV

Ugh... My head... I know I agreed to a few drinks but it's been a while since I've had a drink and it's not sitting right with me. I rub my head, already starting to feel the effects of my hangover. It takes me a little bit to wake up and when I do, I feel something on me but the more I wake up, the more I realise that it's not something but someone. I open my eyes and see Violet curled into my side, stark naked and sleeping soundly in my bed. Oh, shit. That's right. I went out for drinks with her last night since it was her last day as my assistant so I asked her out for the night. We had a bit to drink, well, actually, we had more than just a bit, then we ended up making out and I took her home. I'm not exactly sure why I did that but it doesn't matter now.

I look at Violet and she looks rather cute asleep. She looks comfortable and content. I reach out and gently brush her hair behind her ear then gently stroke along her jawline, which makes her hum pleasantly and snuggle into me more. I used to do this with Chloe. I'd spend ages stroking her and touching her while we were in bed and I didn't mind. I loved feeling Chloe snuggle up to me and I loved watching her sleep. She was so cute and so beautiful. It was as if nothing else mattered in the world except us. When we had days to ourselves, we would spend hours in bed just laying together, talking, making out, having sex, sleeping, and other relaxing stuff. It was my paradise and I know it was Chloe's, too. We didn't want to get out of bed. We just wanted to stay in our own bliss forever.

Unfortunately, that time has passed. What Chloe and I had was nice but I can't think about that. I'm not with Chloe anymore and thinking about our relationship won't do me any good. Right now, I have a cute redhead next to me and when I look at her, I remember our night together. I didn't intend to sleep with Violet but I did and it certainly wasn't awful. She's a good kisser and exceptional in bed. She knows what she's doing, to say the least. It was the perfect way to end the night.

"Are you going to make me breakfast?" Violet mumbles.

"Breakfast?" I chuckle.

"Yes. I'm quite hungry after last night..." Violet lifts off of me and stretches. "And I have a feeling..." She rolls over, sits up, and straddles my lap. "You are, too."

My God. I'm such a sucker for the female body. I usually like to be the one in charge during sex but I secretly love it when girls top me like this. There's just something about it. Perhaps it's being able to see their body, how they use it, the facial expressions they make, the way their mouths contort when they release sounds that drive me crazy... I'm not quite sure.

Chloe used to top me quite a lot. She knew exactly how to work my body as if it was her own. With her, I didn't mind if she was in charge. We shared who would be on top and who would be on the bottom and both places were just as satisfying and fun as the other. I loved looking up at Chloe and I also loved watching Chloe under me as she wrapped her arms and legs around my body as if she was clinging onto me for dear life and begging me to never stop. Everything about our lovemaking was perfect.

What are you doing, Mitchell? You're with Violet so think about her...

"I suppose so..." I tease, sliding my hands up and down her milky white thighs. "I think I worked up quite an appetite last night."

"Mm, I think you did, too..." Violet purrs then leans down to kiss me. "What time is your daughter coming over?"

Shit. Emily. Fuck! I look at the time and see that it's half-past ten in the morning. Shit! Chloe will be here with her any minute! I can't let either of them see me like this!

"Shit!" I hiss then gently push Violet off me.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just didn't realise it was so late in the morning. She'll be here any minute with her mom."

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