Chapter XLIX

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Stacie's POV

Two weeks have passed and Beca is still in her coma. I get more and more worried as the days go on. Beca is a fighter and I know she'll wake up but when she'll wake up is another question. I've been doing what I can for her in the meantime. I visit her and talk to her. I make sure her house is looked after and I'm keeping the press away and all of that annoying stuff. Aubrey is helping me, too since she's pretty good at getting the press to piss off and mind their own business. Chloe has taken a break from work to look after Beca as well, which is understandable. Her daughter was kidnapped and Beca was shot. I wouldn't want to do anything for a while as well. I'm NOT doing anything for a while. Beca needs as much support as she can right now and it's good to see her family and friends come together to support her.

I don't know what Chloe plans to do when Beca wakes up. I hope Beca doesn't take her back easily if at all. I'm still pissed off at Chloe but Aubrey's been helping me be civil around her. I understand that Chloe is upset about everything but what she did to Beca was wrong and just because Beca saved Emily doesn't mean what Chloe did will just go away. It's clear that Beca still cares about Emily and possibly Chloe but she's finally moved on with her life. It was a long process but she got there and now, Chloe is back and I have no idea how Beca is going to deal with it all. Whatever Beca chooses, I'll do my best to support her and I hope she's safe in the process.

"You okay, babe?" Aubrey's sweet voice pulls me out of my daze.

"Yeah, just thinking about Beca that's all."

"What about her?" She climbs into bed and curls up next to me.

"I'm just thinking about if she gets back with Chloe or not. I mean, she's come so far. Chloe broke her heart and just when Beca was moving on, Chloe comes back. If they get back together then fine but I don't want to see Beca get hurt again. You should have seen her when she and Chloe broke up. I hadn't seen her like that before in my life. It was heartbreaking."

"Well, they're both adults and they can make their own decisions. Beca will do what she thinks is right and I honestly don't think Chloe would dare to push her."

"She'll have me to deal with if she does."

"But I think it's safe to say that Chloe has learned her lesson. She knows what she did was wrong and she doesn't plan on making the same mistake twice."

"You'd hope not."

"No. It's good that Chloe's realised what she did was wrong but she's taken EVERYTHING as her fault and she blames herself for what happened to Emily and Beca."

"Well, it kinda is..."

"To an extent but she didn't know what Tom was doing and she didn't know that being with him would result in this. That part isn't her fault. She can't keep blaming herself."

"I understand but..." I stop myself.

I know if I go on about it, I'll only get angrier and I don't want to and I certainly don't want to argue with Aubrey about it either.

"I just don't want Beca to get hurt."

"I know you don't, honey but let's wait for Beca to wake up and go from there. Beca is a big girl and she can look after herself. She's got you so she'll be fine."

She makes me laugh a little. "I think you put more faith in me than you should. You have no idea how hard it was getting her to the doctor."

"But you got her there. You got her there and you gave her the help that she needed. You're a good friend to her, Stace - don't ever doubt that. Beca is lucky to have you and I don't know what she'd do without you."

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