Chapter XVIII

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Beca's POV

I wasn't entirely happy about meeting Chloe's ex but she says that he's one of the good ones. I'm not sure if I believe that but if I want to keep myself sane then I've got no other choice. I have to take my own advice and talk to Chloe if something is bothering me. I hate talking but it's our rule. All of Chloe's exes don't sound like they were good people, especially Tom. Let's just hope that Chloe is right about Chicago. I don't particularly want to have to deal with an ex that's still hung up on Chloe.

It's getting later in the evening and the four of us are down at the beach where we made our own little conservation pit with a fire in the middle. It's amazing how quickly it gets cold when the sun starts to go down. Even though it's been a warm day, it gets cold fast when the sun goes. We bought some pizza for an early dinner and I notice that Chloe's not been eating very much. She's had one slice and that's it. I'm onto my fourth slice but that's because I love food and I'm a total pizza whore. I want Chloe to eat more but I don't want to force her so I need a more strategic way of doing it.

"Here, try some of this with me, baby," I say, putting my arm around Chloe's waist and picking up a slice of pizza.

"What's on it?" Chloe adjusts her legs that are over one of mine and that are also covered by a blanket.

"It's a new topping that Stacie got. Apparently, it's really good..." I take a bite and it's not too bad. "Mm, that's pretty good. Here," I turn the slice to Chloe where she takes a small bite.

"Mm, that is good, isn't it?" She nods.

"I know right? Here, eat the rest. I'll get myself another slice." I hand Chloe my piece and grab another.

Thankfully, Chloe eats the remainder of the pizza slice and I can tell she's hungry since she eats pretty quickly, which I'm grateful for. I've noticed that she doesn't eat anywhere near enough food, at least when she's around me anyway. I know it's because Chloe's suffered from eating disorders throughout her life and she's always been body conscious and I have no doubt that her exes didn't help her thoughts about herself either. Sacks of shit...

"Good?" I check once Chloe finishes her slice.

"Yes," she nods with a smile.

"Excellent because I'm gonna eat more of it. Here," I grab another slice for Chloe and hand it to her.

"You love pizza don't you?" She laughs.

"Love is an understatement. It's so good I feel as if I'm cheating on you."

"Yes, you do look at it with more affection than me."


Chloe giggles then kisses my cheek before she eats the slice I gave her. Good. She needs to eat more. Chloe's got an amazing body and she really needs to be body positive, especially now that she's got a daughter. Emily's a sweet kid so she needs to remain sweet and positive.

"I've had a really nice time today, babe," Chloe says.

"Me, too. It's been good."

"Did you want to stay again tonight and perhaps spend the day with me and Emily tomorrow? She's got a dentist appointment and is a little scared. She's asked me if you can come."


"Yeah, she really likes you."

"She did seem pretty into our bracelet making," I chuckle.

"Well, she needs another parental figure in her life. She's only got me and I can't always do things with her."

"She is creative and fun, I'll give her that."

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