Chapter II

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The Awards Ceremony was great fun but I wasn't really focused on it much since I was more focused on Chloe. After the awards were handed out, I was able to get to know Chloe a bit more since she shared a lot about herself at the table with everyone. She has a five-year-old daughter, Emily, who is her whole world. She spoke about her with such love and adoration it was quite heartwarming. Nothing beats the love of a mother I suppose... I don't really know too much about that though. My mom left when I was just a kid so I didn't get much of her love. It hurt when I was a kid but I'm okay with it now. What's done is done so there's no point in going on about it.

Chloe and I eventually get talking and get to know each other a little well. I tell her about my music career and my passion for music. Unfortunately, I don't get too much time with Chloe since the ceremony is wrapping up and people are leaving.

"Hey, um," Chloe begins. "Did you want to come back to my place?"

I'm taken aback and I don't know what to say at first but I force myself to speak.

"Back to your place?" I echo.

"Yeah, I still want to get to know you more and stuff. Emily's at my parent's house so we don't need to worry about waking her up or anything like that."

Oh my God. Is she really asking me back to hers? Who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth? My long-time crush is inviting me back to her place so I'd be an idiot to say no!

"Ah, yeah, sure. That sounds good."

Chloe beams at me. "Awes. Let's go then."

To cut a long story short, I head back to Chloe's house, which is beautiful. It's a nice, modern two-story place with large windows and open spaces. It's very Chloe. I always imagined she'd have a place like this. I sit in the living room with her and drink some wine as we get to know each other a little more. Since I don't like talking about myself, I ask about her and she's very open.

"What's it like being a mother?" I ask.

"It's great," she answers with a smile. "I wouldn't change it for the world."

"Was it hard? I mean, given the circumstances to how it happened?"

"Yeah, it was hard at first but I had heaps of support from my friends and family. Now, I have a beautiful baby girl who I love more than anything."

"That's good to hear. It's good that she's got a mom who loves her and stuff."

"I want to give her a good life, you know? I don't want her to go through the things I went through. Even though I love my job, I still want to protect her from it. The life of fame and fortune isn't what it's all glammed up to be."

"You've got that right."

"I mean, it's nice to have the money and have people love you and your work but it's also very competitive, backstabbing, and shady. You never know what's going to happen next. The world can love you one minute then hate you the next. It's so unpredictable and it messes with you so much. I don't want that for her."

"Yeah, I get that but what are you going to do if she says that she wants to be an actress, too?"

"I'll have that talk with her when the time comes. If she wants to be an actress then I'll support her all the way but I'll still protect her."

"Of course. I suppose it doesn't really matter if she wants to be an actress or not, she's was born into the life of fame and fortune."

"True, but part of me hopes that she'll want to grow up and be a doctor or something normal. I just want the best for her."

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