Chapter XXXVII

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Beca's POV

It's been a hectic week, to say the least. Stacie has broken up with Aubrey and after everything she's told me, I don't blame her. I can't believe Aubrey but I also can. I knew there was something off about her. I gave Aubrey a break, cut her some slack, and trusted her to look after Stacie and she pissed all over that. Stacie may be a confident and outgoing person but she's got a big heart and she feels deeply for people, especially those she cares about. She wears her heart on her sleeve and Aubrey has just smashed her heart into pieces. 

I've spent the last few days looking after Stacie who is heartbroken and isn't accepting any form of correspondence from the blonde and again, I don't blame her. What Aubrey did was shitty, low, and selfish and Stacie deserves better. It's been draining looking after Stacie but she's my best friend so it's my job. She's turned to her parents for support as well and she's staying with them for the week to look after herself, which I think is a good idea. I admire how close Stacie is with her parents and I know they will take good care of her. Stacie's parents are like a second family to me so they're the best people to turn to in a crisis.

It's bedtime and I've just finished responding to my emails while Chloe is reading a book. It's been a long day and I am tired but I do have a little bit of energy left - energy I would like to spend on my significant other before I go to sleep. I put my laptop away then scoot in next to Chloe, putting my arm around her waist and skimming my nose along her neck before pecking it.

"Are you alright there?" Chloe asks.

"I will be in a minute..." I purr.

"Not tonight, Becs."

"Come on, babe. It's been ages since we've done it."

"I know but I'm tired and I want to finish this chapter and go to sleep."

"Chlo..." I harden my kisses and slide my hand down her pants, which makes her gasp a little.

There we go... I nibble her ear and go to tease her but she retracts my hand from her pants before I can and shifts from me.

"Not tonight, Becs," she repeats.

I sit back and look at her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired."

"Chlo, come on. I wasn't born yesterday. Something's up. Every time I try to get close to you now, you push me away or have some excuse as to why we can't be intimate. Tell me what's up."

Chloe sighs, putting her book down. "I don't want to do this now."

"Do what now? I just want to know what's wrong with you since you've been acting strange these past few weeks. I don't think that's unfair of me."

"No, it's not unfair."

"Then tell me what's up, Chlo. You know that I'm here for you. I hate it when you keep things from me." I keep my voice light because I know getting aggressive or irritated isn't the way to go, especially with Chloe.

Chloe fiddles with her thumb ring and I see that her breathing has laboured and she looks nervous. What could possibly make her like that? The longer we sit in silence, the more I worry and a million things run through my mind. Has something happened to her? To Emily? To her parents? To her other relatives? Does she have to go away suddenly? Whatever it is, it feels like it won't be good. I just wish she'd hurry up and tell me.

"It's okay, Chlo," I put my hand on top of hers, stopping her fiddling.

I rub my thumb across hers to soothe her and I think it works since she speaks.

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