Chapter XXIII

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Aubrey's POV

It's my first day without Stacie and I already miss her like crazy. I drove her to the airport this morning and saw her off. It was painful but I know she'll be back. A month seems like forever but I have plenty to keep me occupied such as Chloe who is now starting her new movie. She's a bit down this morning since Beca left for her tour and I've been trying to take her mind off of it but when Chloe falls for someone, she falls hard and I've never seen her so besotted by someone before. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around that she's dating Beca Mitchell - the grumpy, little hobbit. But she makes Chloe happy and Emily happy, too so that's all I can ask for. Chloe deserves to be treated right after all that she's been through and it's good seeing that happen for her. Chloe's got a lot of love to give and for the first time, I think she's giving it to the right person and they're not stomping all over it.

Chloe and I pull up to Swanson Studios where we are due to meet Jesse for our first day on the set. Even though Chloe is a little down because of Beca's departure, she's quite excited to be filming again. This will be the perfect distraction for her and it'll make her feel better. Chloe is very passionate about her job and once she gets into the swing of things, she'll be fine.

"There she is! The big star!" Jesse beams at us when we walk into the warehouse where the first scene is being filmed.

"Hey, Jesse!" Chloe smiles at him and gives him a classic Chloe hug.

"Are you ready?"

"I am!"

"How are you, Aubrey?" He turns to me, holding out his hand.

"Very well, thank you." I nod as I shake his hand briefly.

"That's good... Very good." His eyes linger on me for a few seconds before he turns to Chloe.

"Well, Chloe, you know the drill. Your dressing room is over there and we're nearly ready to go. We're just waiting on some of the crew to finish up the lighting. Let me know when you're ready to begin."

"Thanks, Jesse. Thanks for having me. I can't wait to start," she says with a zestful smile.

"No worries at all! We're happy to have you. I honestly couldn't have thought of anyone more suited for the role."

"Thank you."

"Jesse!" A crewmember calls out.

"Coming! I've gotta go. I'll see you soon!" Jesse hurries off to the crewmember, shooting me a wink along the way.

"Umm... What was that about?" Chloe asks, turning to me.


"That encounter with you two and are you blushing?"

"What? No! Of course not!"

"I think you are! Aubrey!" She smacks my arm.


"You're with Stacie!"

"I know I'm with Stacie. It's not like I'm going to do anything."

"Aubrey, Jesse likes you and I know that you used to have a little crush on him the last time we worked with him."

"Yeah, USED to. Not anymore. I'm with Stacie now."

"Then why are you blushing?"

"I'm NOT blushing! I'm just a bit hot that's all. I'm having a hot flush."

Chloe tilts her head to the side and gives me the "come-on-tell-me-the-truth-so-don't-even-try-to-lie-to-me" look. I hate it when she does that. I literally can't get away with anything and I suck at lying. I've never liked lying so I'm terrible when I have to.

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