Chapter XVI

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Beca's POV

Stacie and I are currently sitting on the couch together binge eating potato chips and chocolate, totally shocked by everything that happened with Chloe and Aubrey. I have no idea why Chloe blew up the way she did and I don't even know what to think about Aubrey bailing on Stacie. Part of me wants to march over to Aubrey's and give her a piece of my mind. I told her not to fuck around with Stacie and yet here she is doing this shit! It all seems very shady to me and it's bothered Stacie a lot. She hasn't stopped talking about it and thinking about what went wrong.

"I just wish she'd talk to me..." Stacie tells me. "Like, she just left."

"It's too shady, Stace," I say. "I'd just face it head-on and ask her. You don't have time for shit like that."

"I know but I don't want to push Aubrey. She wants to take things slow."

"You can still take things slow while pulling her up on her shit. She straight-up bailed on you and used the 'I've been called into work' excuse. That's really low."

"Maybe she really did need to go into work though."

"Perhaps but you said that she was quiet then she got called into work all of a sudden. It just doesn't add up to me, Stace, especially when you say that she hasn't answered your calls or responded properly to your texts. Red flags are up."

Stacie sighs. "Yeah, I suppose you're right... Are you going to do the same with Chloe?"

"I will but I don't know how long I'll give her time to cool off. Like, she just snapped at me. You should have seen her. She was so pissed off at me. I didn't think Chloe could get that angry and upset. I mean... it's not THAT big of a deal, right?"

"I don't think so. I know it's not everybody's cup of tea and that some people wouldn't do it but we don't do it anymore."

"Exactly! I told her that but it didn't make things better."

"So she's out for me then?"

"I wouldn't go that far... She's just not happy about it."

"Beca, she called me your fuck buddy and I have a strong feeling that's how she's going to look at me from now on. I'll be very surprised if she treats me the same now she knows."

"Part of me wishes that I didn't tell her but I feel like if I didn't tell her, she would have found out and our argument would have been so much worse."

"You weren't to know that she was going to explode like that."

"I suppose not... I just want to get things sorted before I go on my tour next month."

"Have you told Chloe yet?"

"No, not yet," I shake my head. "I was going to that night but we had a fight."

"I've got to tell Aubrey I've got a tour next month, too."

"Looks like we're both not having much luck with this relationship stuff, are we?"

"No," Stacie chuckles. "It's hard work but it's worth it."

"Is it? Is it though?"

"Yes," Stacie nudges me. "You're a lot happier now that you're with Chloe, even though it's only been a few weeks."

"Dude!" I whine.


"I have a reputation! Knock it off!"

Stacie laughs at me. "Yes, cutie."

"Ugh..." I rake a hand through my hair. "I suppose we should go and talk to our other halves then, shouldn't we?"

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