Chapter X

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Stacie's POV

The night has been going quite well. Beca, Chloe, Aubrey, and I have been chatting with one another and I think we've got on well. Aubrey and Beca sometimes give each other a look and I can tell that she's looking out for me since Chloe and I exchange the same look. Best friends just looking out for best friends - it's what we're about. I mostly talk to Aubrey though and to start with, she was a little shy but I was able to get her to warm up to me and I know it's because of what happened between us.

"Hey," Aubrey says softly while Beca and Chloe are having their own conversation. "I'm really sorry about not replying to you. It's just... I've never really been a relationship person. I've always been work orientated and after what we did... I was just confused. It all happened so fast and you starting writing to me and... well, I got a little scared."

She has a hard time meeting my gaze and I find it quite sweet. After being in the model industry for a while, I can read people quite well and I can tell that Aubrey means what she says. She never did strike me as someone who lies about serious things like this. I also have the feeling that she wouldn't be afraid to tell someone that she wasn't interested in them. I wouldn't be surprised if she's done that already.

"I must confess, I was a little worried that you didn't want to see me again," I say. "I thought you wanted to see where things would take us."

"I know I did and I'm sorry for not replying to your texts. Again, I was a little scared and I've never done this before."

"Why do I have a feeling that there's more you're not telling me?"

Aubrey looks at me and I don't think she was expecting me to say that.

"I... I don't think you'll like the real me," she looks away from me again and I feel my heart crack.

"What makes you say that?"

"I just don't think you will. I'm a control freak, Stacie. I have to have things my way and when they don't go my way I freak out. I'm very strict, I have rules, I have interests in things that hardly anyone else does, and I'm just... me."

"You say it like it's a bad thing."

"Well, it's not a good thing."

"Hey," I put my hand under her chin, making her look up at me. "I don't want you to think that about yourself, okay? We spent the whole night together that night and we talked about things that people wouldn't usually talk about. I saw who you were and you were fun, funny, interesting, smart, witty, and just amazing in general. If I didn't like you, Aubrey, I wouldn't have stayed. I wouldn't have spent hours talking to you about astronomy and science. I wouldn't have danced with you. I wouldn't have taken you home. I wouldn't have done any of that. I must admit that going back to my place was probably an impulse decision but I didn't regret it. Did you?"

"No," Aubrey shakes her head. "No, I really enjoyed it."

"Me, too. So I don't want you to think so poorly of yourself. We've been talking again for a few hours now and I still find you interesting."

"I'm... I'm sorry if I hurt you. I really am."

"It's okay just... don't leave a girl hanging, you know?"

She nods. "Okay. I'm sorry. I do like you, Stacie, I'm just scared that you won't like the real me."

"Oh, Aubrey," I chuckle. "I don't think you need to worry about that. I think I've seen the real you every time we meet."

"You've seen a part of the real me but you haven't seen the controlling side and that's what I'm afraid of."

"Well, then," I scoot in closer to Aubrey and rest my arm on the booth behind her. "I'm looking forward to seeing that side of you."

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