Chapter LVIII

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Chloe's POV

I couldn't be prouder of Beca. She's come such a long way and this performance she's going to give is going to prove just that. She's such a strong woman and her fans have every right to look up at her and admire her. I do and she's made me a better person because of it.

"When are you going to sing, mama?" Emily asks Beca who is getting ready in her dressing room.

Beca looks amazing - exquisite even. She's wearing a gold skirt with colourful gems in it, gold knee-high boots, a matching jacket, and a black top underneath. Her hair is down but the top part of her hair has been pulled back into a braid. She looks like the star we all know and love.

"Soon, champ," she answers. "Are you excited?"

"Yeah!" She beams, throwing her hands up.



"Are you sure?" She teases.


"Well, in that case..." Beca turns around and quickly slips her hands under Emily's arms, tickling her.

"Ah!" Emily squeals, her giggles filling the room.

I love that sound so much. There is no sound purer than Emily's giggles.

"I'm gonna getcha! I'm gonna getcha!"

"M, m, mama!"

"I'll getcha! I'll getcha!"


Beca tickles Emily a little more and stops.

"I almost peed!" Emily breathes, her face bright red.

"Looks like I gotcha good then," Beca teases, poking Emily's ribs and that makes her giggle. "Have you heard back from the lawyers yet?" Beca asks me.

"Not yet, babe. You'll be the first one to know if I do. I think they'll contact you first anyway."

"Seems like it's taking forever..."

"I know it does but it's being processed and that can take a while."


The day after Beca's birthday, Beca filled out the adoption forms for Emily and sent them off straight away. The process takes a while but it'll be worth the wait. Beca wants to be Emily's mother officially as soon as she can. In my eyes and Emily's eyes, and I'm pretty sure the rest of the world's eyes, she is Emily's official mama but legally, she wants it to be official as so I. I know it's just a piece of paper and it doesn't determine whether or not she's Emily's mama because she is. She's Emily's mama no matter what but I know how much getting that legal approval means to Beca. I can't wait until Beca and I get married. We'll be the Beale's. Or the Mitchell's. Or the Beale-Mitchell's. Or the Mitchell-Beale's. Or we might just keep our original names. Whatever Beca wants. Names aren't important to me. As long as we have each other, we'll be golden.

"Can I come up on stage with you, mama?" Emily asks softly.

"You want to be a superstar, too?"

"Yeah!" She nods.

"Alright. It's a big world out there, champ. Are you sure you're ready for it?"


"Alright." Beca kisses Emily's head.

"Where are your mom and dad?" I ask.

"They're getting something to eat before the show. You know what dad's like when it comes to food."

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