Chapter VII

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Beca's POV

It's been a week since I've seen Chloe and a week since I've heard from her as well. I try hard to focus on my work and other things but no matter what I do, I can't stop thinking about Chloe's proposal. I just can't. I've spoken to Stacie about it and we've gone over a lot of things but she says that it's my choice and I've got to do what I want. I've thought about it a lot and gone through different scenarios in my head but that's only made me overthink so I've had to simplify it. Chloe has a bad track record of relationships and she has a child from one of those relationships. I haven't met Emily before and I'm sure she's a great kid but I don't like kids and the fact that Chloe's got one... that makes it harder for me to make a decision. Her track record is a bit bothersome as well but as Stacie has said to me, I'm not a guy and it's been a while since Chloe has been with someone, not to mention that having a kid would have made her grow up a lot.

I'm sick of not being able to take my mind off of what Chloe said so that's why I'm making my way to her house now. I haven't called her to let her know that I'm on my way. It was a bit of a last-minute decision but it's what I want to do. I need to tell Chloe how I feel and get this over with. It's been gnawing at me all week and I've had enough. I reach Chloe's front door and ring the bell. My heart is pounding and my palms are sweating but I'm determined to get this done. Thankfully, I don't have to wait long until the door is answered.

"Beca," Chloe says and it's clear that she's surprised to see me.

"Hey, Chloe. Sorry for just dropping in like this."

"No, that's okay. Come in."

"Thank you." I walk inside and follow her into her living room.

It's a decent size with white couches and a wooden coffee table. The walls are white and there's a fireplace built into the wall with a TV above it. It's nice and it's very Chloe.

"Is everything okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, I just..." I sit down with her next to me. "I want to talk about your proposal."


"Yeah..." I play with my fingers, having a hard time meeting her gaze.

"Have you decided?"

"I have. I've been thinking a lot and talking a lot believe it or not and I..."


I look up from my fingers and see a little girl run into the living room. She's got brown hair and bright blue eyes. She looks a lot like Chloe.

"Mommy! Look what I just did!" Emily holds up a piece of paper with a drawing on it.

"Oh, wow! Well done!" Chloe praises and kisses the girl's head.

Emily giggles then turns to me and looks at me. She has the same intimidating gaze as her mother.

"Emily, this is Beca," Chloe says. "Beca, this is Emily - my daughter."

"Hi, Beca!" She smiles with a wave.

"Hey, dude," I force a smile and wave back.

Emily steps over to me and grabs my wrist. "I like your bracelets."

I look down at the bracelets on my wrist and see her little fingers toy with them.

"Oh... Ah... Thanks."

"I like this one," Emily points to a blue wrap around bracelet with several silver stars on it.

"Me, too. It's my favourite," I tell her.

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