Chapter LV

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Stacie's POV

"Are you sure this is the best idea?" Aubrey asks me.

"I'm sick of it, Bree. I really am."

"I know you are but it isn't our place."

"No, it wasn't but it is now. This isn't just about them anymore. They've pulled us into it and we can see what the problem is and they are too damn stubborn to sort it out themselves and I'm putting my foot down."

"Okay, I understand that but you know they're going to be SUPER pissed once they realise what you've done - Beca especially."

"Perhaps. But I really couldn't give a damn at the moment. I'm sick of them running around with their heads up their asses and wondering why they can't see anything else but shit. Seriously, Bree - I've had enough."

"As much as I love your tough talk, I'm just worried that this will only bite you in the ass."

"They WILL sort their shit out whether they like it or not."

I hand Aubrey her coffee before pouring mine and mentally preparing myself for the events ahead. I invited Beca over here while Aubrey invited Chloe without them knowing that the other was coming. It's been a while now since the Tom incident and Beca and Chloe STILL haven't worked things out. I know it's up to them but now they're just being stupid. Beca tells me about Violet and how she isn't happy and Chloe tells Aubrey how she's miserable without Beca but yet, they won't come together and sort things out because they CLEARLY miss EACH OTHER. Beca is too stubborn and Chloe has given up and we can't go on like this so I've initiated an intervention for them and hopefully, they'll see just how stupid they've been and pull their heads in because I've had enough.

"As long as you support me, I'll be fine," I say, snaking my arm around Aubrey's waist.

"Of course, babe. Always. As long as you deal with Beca, I'll be fine."

I chuckle. "I'll do my best." I kiss her head then hear the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it. That's probably Chloe. She's always early."

"Okay." Aubrey leaves to answer the door and she's right since I can hear Chloe's voice.

They walk down the hall and into the kitchen where I am and Chloe looks awful. She looks like she hasn't slept in weeks and she even looks like she's lost weight.

"Hey, Stacie," she waves with a tight smile.

"Hey, Chloe," I nod. "How are you?"

"Yeah, I'm alright."


"What about you?"

"I'm doing well."

"That's good."

"Did you want a coffee, Chloe?" Aubrey asks.

"Oh, yes, please."

Aubrey grabs a mug and pours Chloe a coffee and when she hands it over, the doorbell rings. Aubrey and I look at each other.

"Are you expecting someone else?" Chloe asks.

"I'll get it," I say.

"Let's sit in the living room, Chlo." Aubrey puts her hand on Chloe's back and leads her out of the kitchen.

Okay. This is it. I walk to the front door and take a breath before opening it to Beca.

"Hey, dude," she greets.

"Hey, come in."


"You're on time for once."

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