Chapter XXIV

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Stacie's POV

It's been weeks since I've seen Aubrey and I miss her so much. We talk every day but it's not the same. Three weeks down and only two to go but yet it feels like ages away. I can't wait until I get back to L.A. I love Europe but I do miss home and I miss Aubrey but this is a good test of our relationship. I've never liked the thought of doing things long-distance but Aubrey and I are going well, which is great. We're both kept busy so that's helped us. Aubrey tells me about Chloe's new movie and it sounds good. She can't tell me much about it, which is understandable but Chloe seems to be enjoying it and apparently, it's really helped lift her mood ever since Beca left for her tour.

I talk to Beca every now and then, too, and she's going well. She's tired from all of the traveling and performing but it's what she does for a living and I know it makes her happy. Even though she's exhausted, I can tell she's happy. She has this look in her eyes that tells me that there's nothing else she'd rather do with her life and that makes me proud. I've known Beca ever since we were in college and I remember how badly she wanted to be a successful music producer. There were times where Beca would get so overwhelmed by how big and difficult it was to get into the music industry that she would cry. I would take her into my arms and console her. I would tell her that her dreams would come true as long as she stayed true to herself and never gave up and look where she is now.

It's been a real gift watching Beca grow into the person she is now. I'm so proud of her and I'm so glad that we've been able to remain friends after all these years. I truly am lucky to have her as a friend. Even though she's tough, she really is sweet. She was always there for me during my tough times in college. I usually didn't care what I wanted to do once I graduated. Hell, I didn't even know why I went to college in the first place but I'm glad I went. There were times where I got overwhelmed - just like Beca did - and Beca was there to comfort me. She always used to tell me that we were right where we were meant to be and that everything would sort itself out as long as we were sensible and worked hard. It was a shock to hear her say that considering the type of person she was and still is but it was true. Everything worked itself out in the end and I think it's a really important message that everyone should take home with them.


I turn around and see Jessica walk over to me.

"Hey, Jess!" I smile

Jessica is my agent and we're also good friends. She's the person who helped get me into modeling. I saw a flyer for a company needing models so I tried it out and Jessica loved me so much so that she got me into all of the good agencies and here I am now - one of the most popular models. I'm surprised that Jessica isn't a model, to be honest. She's got curly blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and a good, thin, model figure. I suggested the idea to her and she thought about it but it didn't appeal to her so she settled to be an agent and she's good at it and I'm glad she's my agent. I couldn't have asked for a better one. As much as I'd love to have Aubrey as my agent, we wouldn't get anything done and we both know it. Having Aubrey around all the time would be too distracting.

"Isn't this great?" She beams.

"It is. It's amazing."

"Are you ready for the big show tonight?"

"Absolutely! Modeling for Louis Vuitton is probably one of my favourites - not to sound too up myself though."

"You're fine," she laughs. "I'm glad you're having fun. Missing home yet?"

"Not so much home - more so Aubrey."

"It's still going okay with her?"

"Yeah," I nod. "We just miss each other that's all."

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