My Priend

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Seokjin awoke to an empty bed. He looked around the room, worried. He was relatively sure Jimin had fallen asleep next to him last night after his nightmare, but he wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not.

"Jimin, Chim Chim baby," Jin called out as he got off the bed and looked around the room. Did Jimin go back to his bedroom? He wondered. Jimin hardly slept in his room. Since they lived alone, he often slept with Seokjin. Seokjin preferred it that way, too; he felt more secure.

Jin walked into the bathroom, which connected to his room. He continued calling Jimin's name, but there was no response. Could he be sleeping? Jin thought, but when he went into Jimin's bedroom, it was empty. He panicked as he looked around the house, yelling Jimin's name until he heard laughter from the backyard.

What is Jimin doing in the backyard? He questioned as he made his way towards the back.

"Can I pway with the doggie?" Jin got to the backyard just in time to hear Jimin asking someone.

"JIMIN!" Jin screamed. Jimin jumped in fright. "Papa, you scared me!" Jimin jumped in place repeatedly, excitedly, as he looked at his father.

Seeing his baby smile, Jin was no longer upset. He was just happy to see his precious baby boy and know he was safe.

"Jimin, why are you out here alone? What did Papa tell you about coming outside without him?" Jin questioned as he walked outside.

Jimin shook his body in a circle, "But Papa, I'm not alone. My priend and his puppy are with me," Jimin told Jin, motioning to a guy Jin did not realize stood in the yard across from theirs.

The guy smiled, showing his bunny teeth, and waved to Jin, "Sweet kid you have here. He's brilliant. I was impressed when he told me he's only three. Pretty advanced for his age."

Jin gave a weak smile back but didn't say anything. He tried not to be too friendly with people as he was never sure of their motives or who they were, especially regarding guys.

"Jimin, sweetie, what did I tell you about talking to strangers? Let's go inside the house. You need a bath and something to eat. Papa will make you your favorite." Jin smiled while he motioned for Jimin to come on, but Jimin stood in place.

"Papa, he is no stranger. He is my priend, and my priend has snacks, and he said I could have some, but only if you said yes. Can I have some? Pwease," he bounced up and down, begging his father.

Jin was getting frustrated with Jimin. All he wanted was to go back inside the house. He hated that Jimin was outside the home, talking to some stranger. It went against everything he had taught him.

"No, Jimin! You do not know that man! Now get inside the house." Jin yelled at Jimin.

Jimin, who was not used to his father yelling at him, dropped himself to the ground and started kicking and screaming, "I want snacks, I want snacks, I want snacks."

The next thing Jin knew, the unknown guy Jimin claimed was his friend, jumped over his fence and rushed to pick up Jimin. "Oh, baby, don't cry. I'm sure your Papa didn't mean to yell at you. I'll give you snacks, and then you can play with the puppy. How does that sound?" Jimin stopped crying immediately and smiled, nodding his head.

This only frustrated Jin more; how dare this guy touch his child and enter his yard. "Wait, who are you, and who gave you permission to come over into my yard and touch my child? How dare you make decisions about whether he can have snacks or not? Please leave! Jimin, I will not tell you again, in the house, now!" Jin glared at the man, who was looking at him in shock.

Jimin dropped himself back on the floor and screamed louder, "Papa, why are you being mean to me? Why are you being like Dada?" Jin froze; he was stuck; he couldn't move. Jimin had compared him to the very person who had made his life a living hell.

"Your Papa isn't mean, Jimin, and he's just worried. I understand; now come on, get up and brush yourself off." In his frozen state, Jin watched as Jimin got up at the strangers' words and brushed his clothes off. "Am I clean?" Jimin asked the man, and he returned a thumbs-up to Jimin, which only made him giggle.

"Does this mean I get snacks, Kookie?" he asked, smiling at the man.

Jin watched as the guy ruffled his son's hair and said, "Only if your Papa is okay with it, little man." 

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