Not an invitation

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Jin felt hurt by every one of Jungkook's words. What bothers him the most was that Jungkook was right. He had been shutting down Jimin questions regarding Namjoon. It wasn't that he didn't want to answer Jimin. It's just that it pained him too much to talk about Namjoon. He didn't know it affected Jimin that much or did he even think about it. He was so busy trying to give Jimin a comfortable home and repairing himself that he didn't realize how much this might have been affecting his son too. He felt like a bad parent.

A tear fell from his eye as he thought about it. "Please don't cry Jin. It's not my intention; I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." Jungkook felt horrible. There he goes again using his mouth when he shouldn't have.

"It's fine. We will go. If Jimin wants you there, you can come. Just don't bother me or try to get into my life. Keep your child psychology shit to yourself while we are out please." Jin wiped away his tears and ran his hand through his hair. Why was his life such a mess and why was Jungkook so persistent. He didn't understand any of it. All he knew was he couldn't allow his pain to transcend down onto his precious Jimin. Jimin is an innocent little kid and should not feel the burden of an adult or anyone of his parent. Jin wanted him to live freely without worries. He just wanted him to be a kid.

"Yes! Jimin, your papa, said I could come. I can be your friend too." Jungkook yelled out from the door. Jin glared at him, "I never said anything about you being friends with my son. He's three!"

Jin could hear Jimin jumping in the living room and screaming excitedly at the news. He couldn't help but smile a little.

"Can I be your friend then?" Jin was taken back by Jungkook sudden question, but he quickly composed himself and glared at the man before him.

"Don't even go there." He said, storming into his house. Jungkook lolls his head backward and laugh. He was genuinely intrigued by Jin and Jimin. Something about them just felt right to him. He didn't know if it was love at first sight, but even after going home, he wanted nothing more than to see Jin again.

When he heard Jimin screaming from across his house, he was sad, yet excited at the same time as it gave him a reason to go and check on both of them. The few mornings he had spent talking to Jimin had created a special place in his heart for the younger, but upon meeting Jimin's dad, he was even more pulled in. Jin was very cold towards him, but it didn't matter to him. Something about Jin cried out to him for help.

From the looks of Jin's eyes, it was clear he had been through a lot. He has a lot of pain. Pain that Jungkook wanted to take away. He didn't know if was Jimin's father dying that had cause Jin to be the way he was, all he knew is that he wanted to find out the reason for the sadness behind such a beautiful face. He was going to be persistent as he tries to break down the walls of the cold, yet a fragile human being.

Jungkook stepped into Jin's home, "I don't think I gave you an invitation to come in."

"You said I could come with you guys," Jungkook said in confusion.

"Correct, but I did not say you can come into my home. Where we are going is outside. So I would appreciate it if you took your behind back outside and wait for us on the porch." Jin said, pointing towards the door.

"Wow, you are something you know that? It's okay. I'm sure it will be worth it anyway." Jungkook sighs and walks back outside the house.

"What do you mean by that statement, "I'm sure it will be worth it anyway."" Jin asked as he walked outside to Jungkook.

"Nothing. Just forget it. Please get ready so that we can go. Where are we going anyway?" He inquired.

Jin thought for a moment. He didn't have much of a plan. He had only told Jimin they were going out to get rid of Jungkook. Not knowing things would turn out this way.

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