My Pearl

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Three Days Later

Jin had got home from the hospital but spent most of his time in bed due to his recovery. Jungkook was keeping things afloat with ensuring Jimin was dropped off in the mornings and he picked him up the evenings as well. He prepared meals for the family, as well. Although things between him and Jin had not been well. Jungkook had gone into a quiet mode, and Jin didn't know how to approach him. However, tonight he made a promise that Jungkook and he would not go to bed without addressing certain matters.

As Jin was scrolling through his phone, looking for a toy car for Jimin, Jungkook walked into the room and turned off the lights, "please turn it back on." Jin requested.

Jungkook without responding did as he was told. "Jungkook let's talk. I can't stand you ignoring me anymore." Jin said, giving the younger a sad look.

"I am not ignoring you," Jungkook said as he fluffed his pillow on the bed and lay down and turned his back towards Jin

"You are upset with me," Jin noted.

"I am."

"I am sorry for the way I acted Jungkook. I went into a panic." Jungkook turned to look at Jin, "I can tell. It's fine though you don't want a kid by me, I get it." Jungkook was not able to eat the past few days. He felt empty on the inside, he didn't understand why Jin had reacted the way he had, and as much as he wanted to leave, he couldn't. Not while Jin was like that and he could not leave Jimin, they are his family even if Jin didn't see him as apart of their family.

"Jungkook, you are misunderstanding things. It's not that I don't want to have a child with you. However, we weren't even prepared for a baby; I am not prepared. I went through a lot with Jimin and..." Jin closed his eyes as the memories flash before him. He didn't want to open up that part of his life to Jungkook; it was too painful for him.

Jin rotates his neck in an effort to pull back the tears that were starting to form which Jungkook noticed, "Jin, I know we are not prepared. I am not ready right this moment either, but the way you acted, even when we got to the doctor, you kicked me out of that room Jin. Treated me as though I am a stranger...I am a human Jin; I hurt too." Jungkook said as his voice crack.

"I am sorry, Jungkook. I went into a terrible panic. I know you are human, and I don't ever want to make you feel like that again. I am sure you know by now that my relationship with Jimin's dad was not the best. Jimin wasn't born out of love Jungkook. Jimin was a product of me being raped by his dad." Before Jin could continue, Jungkook sat up straight up on the bed and stared at Jin in shock. "Jin.," he calls out Jin's name in tears, but Jin held his hand up for him to stop.

"Let me finish. I don't think I will be able to continue if I don't tell you the truth now. My relationship with Namjoon, Jimin's dad, was a very abusive one. He used me throughout our entire marriage, which was forced by the way. My pregnancy with Jimin was not a very memorable one; it left a scar on me. When Jimin was a baby, and he would cry, Namjoon would get so angry at me that he would beat me because Jimin was crying and he needed to sleep for work. I don't think I can take the sound of a baby crying around me and not remember those memories. I love Jimin and will never trade him for anything in this world as he kept me sane. He is the main reason why I am alive today.

One day I had enough of Namjoon's abuse and told him I was leaving. For the first time, he didn't fight me, but gave me Jimin and told me to go. Right as I walked out of that home, he shot himself. I moved to this town immediately and began the life you have come to know. It's the reason I was so closed off with having you in my life and in Jimin's life. It's not that I don't love you, Jungkook; I love you more than I probably should. I care about you more than I have ever expressed. You make our Jimin happy. I don't want you ever to think you are not enough for me because you are more than enough. You came into my life and gave not only me but Jimin hope. I am sorry it took me so long to confess this all to you, but Jungkook it's not you, it's me, I am the broken one. I should be the one thinking I am not enough, not you. I came into your life with baggage, not you. I don't know what you see in me; I used to be someone's toy that they used until they couldn't use anymore. I don't know how you can like me." Jungkook stared at Jin in silence; his heart ached even more than before. Tears flowed down his face; he felt guilty for being angry with Jin without understanding his reasons.

Jungkook reached out and gripped Jin's hand into his own, "I didn't know Jin, I didn't know about Jimin. I am so sorry." He felt horrible for how he had acted these past few days.

"I know Jungkook. Don't be sorry. I told you now because I want you to know and I don't want you thinking I don't care about you because I do. You have made me the happiest person within a short time I have known you. You are patient, kind, loving, caring, and sexy everything I ever dreamed of in a man when I was younger. You came into Jimin's and I's life and showed us that miracles still existed. I can never thank you enough for that." Jin smiled through his tears at Jungkook. He loved and cared for Jungkook too much to let anything come between them. He knew jungkook loved him genuinely, he showed Jin in more ways than one.

Jungkook leaned his forehead against Jin's and stared into his eyes, as though he was looking right into his soul. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever met, inside and out. I told you before I am not trying to be apart of your past, but your future Jin and I meant that. Thank you for sharing your pain and truth with me. It does not change my feelings for you if anything I admire you even more. I do feel bad for pushing you all this time without understanding you or your pain, but then again, I am happy I did because I wouldn't find out how strong and amazing you are. I am not Namjoon; I don't plan to be anything like him. He had a gem and didn't know it. I won't make the same mistake he made. I love you and Jimin so much. I want to continue being apart of both of your life. Thank you for letting me in and thank you for loving me. I can tell you a million reasons as to why I can love you and will continue to love you. You are not a toy, but a beautiful pearl, my pearl which should be treasured. Everything he didn't do, I will do it all. I will show you how a man is supposed to treat a gem like you."

Jin leaned forward and kissed Jungkook through their tears. At that moment, Jungkook knew what he wanted his future to be like and who he wanted it with.

"Ewww...kookie and papa are nasty."

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