Love You More

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"I need a shower," Jin said once they got home and he wandered into their bedroom. His stomach was still clammy from earlier. No matter how much he wiped the gel off of it, he still felt dirty.

"You want help?" Jungkook eagerly questions. He was delighted that Hoseok would be picking Jimin up from school today and he and Jin have at least four hours to themselves.  More, if Jimin was smart enough in getting Hoseok to buy him ice cream.

"No. Why don't you make dinner. Your son and I are hungry." Jin said as he begins stripping out of his clothes.

"I'm hungry too." Jungkook licked his lips and eyed his fiancé up and down. He could see Jin's small and delicate baby bump. His son was in there. He couldn't believe it.

"More reason as to why you should cook then," Jin said smirking and turning towards their bathroom. He knew what Jungkook meant, but he wasn't entertaining him right now. Right now, he was miserable and needed a shower.

Jungkook followed behind his fiancé into the bathroom. He pulled Seokjin into a back hug startling him. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." He whispered into Jin's ears while placing his hand over Jin's belly.

"It's fine. Go cook. I'm going to shower." Jin said, pulling out of Jungkook's arms.

Jungkook looked Jin up and down and smiled to himself. "You are tired, aren't you?"

"I am," Jin admitted and yawned.

"Okay, babe. Go shower, and I'll cook. After you are finished, lay in bed. I'll bring dinner to you. If you are sleeping, I won't wake you." Jungkook said, kissing Jin.

"Thanks and please wake me. I'm hungry."

"If you are sleeping, I won't. Rest. Eat when you wake." Jungkook proposed, but the look he earned made him regret making such a suggestion.

"What part of I am hungry did you not understand. You know what don't cook. I'll order something and have it delivered. At least I won't have to argue with the cook on when I should or shouldn't eat." Jin was annoyed and cranky. He was hungry and sleepy at the same time, and it was not a good combo for a pregnant person.

"Jin, I'll wake you. I'm sorry. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything." Jungkook said and walked out of the bathroom. He was almost sure if he didn't leave he would've faced a side of Jin he didn't want.

As soon as Jungkook walked out of the bathroom. Jin felt sad and got in the shower. He allowed the water to run down his body as he cried. Jin didn't know why he was crying, but he couldn't stop.

He leaned against the shower wall and cried while rubbing his stomach. After a good twenty minutes, he was able to shower and get out of the bathroom.

Not having the strength to search for clothes, he grabbed a T-shirt and a pair of shorts.

Then he went straight into his bed and curled up.

Jungkook was in the kitchen making spaghetti and meatballs. However, he couldn't focus on the food he was making as his mind was on Jin.

Jin appeared moody after they got home. He recognized it was because of his pregnancy, but it still worried him. He was trying to figure out stuff he could do to uplift Jin's mood.

He was hoping the food would do the trick. Spaghetti and meatballs were Jimin favorite, that's why he made it. He knew if Jin saw Jimin happy and cheery, that would uplift his mood.

Once he was done the cooking. He shared Jin's dinner and brought it to their room. Jin was fast asleep, but he recalled what he said so he woke him.

"Babe, wake up. Dinner is ready." Jungkook kneeled beside the bed and caressed Jin's face.

Jin opened his eye and looked at Jungkook. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Why? You didn't do anything." Jungkook told him.

"I yelled at you."

Jungkook smiled and pulled Jin up into a sitting position. "You didn't. You were frustrated, and I understand. It's okay. Your hormones are out of whack right now. It's normal baby. Don't beat yourself up. I don't love you any less. If anything I love you more." Jungkook got up from the ground and sat beside Jin.

"I get mad at you, and you love me more? You are weird Jungkook." Jin smiled at his fiancé.

"I am anything you want me to be. I guess this is what love does to a person. Now, enough about me, let me feed you." Jungkook said and pulled the plate into his hand. Twirling a forkful of spaghetti with meatballs and brought it to Jin's mouth, "it's the choo choo train, say ahhh..."

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