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It's been two months since Jin has encountered Jungkook. Almost every day, the younger was by his house. As much as he was against it, Jimin made things difficult for him. Jungkook didn't make things easier either. He used Jimin to get his way, which annoyed Jin.

However, he had taken into consideration what Jungkook had said about Jimin hurting, and he couldn't be selfish. If Jungkook was what brought a bit of happiness to his son, then he guesses he'll have to suck it up and allow him over from time to time.

It was a benefit at times having Jungkook over. He would help to fix the things in the home Jin couldn't fix. Jin wasn't a handyman, never was. He would watch DIY videos on YouTube but never got anything right. Namjoon used to fix everything while they were together.

Jungkook enjoyed being of help. He loved getting Jimin ready for bed. Sometimes when work required him to work late, he would feel sad. However, he had made sure to explain to Jimin on the nights he couldn't come. He was still asking Jin out on dates, but Jin kept on telling him not.

However, one morning with Jimin's help, he was able to make Jin breakfast in bed. Jin was pissed at him for entering his home while he was still in bed, but he enjoyed the food after Jungkook told him Jimin helped. When he had looked at Jimin's face, his son seemed like he wanted to cry, thinking his papa was rejecting his food. Even though all he did was put the syrup on the pancakes.

Jin was almost sure Jungkook was training Jimin to team up with him. Jimin was listening, but anytime it came to something between Jin and Jungkook, he would automatically take Jungkook side.

Currently, Jungkook and Jimin were around the dining room table. Jungkook was teaching Jimin to read. It's part of what Jungkook did with Jimin whenever he was around. It touched Jin's heart, but he couldn't let Jungkook know that. No matter how much Jungkook showed his right side, Jin couldn't open himself up.

Jungkook had decided instead of pushing Jin; he would focus on Jimin. If he was going to prove to Jin he belongs in his life, it was best he starts with Jimin. It's clear Jimin is Jin's everything. Therefore it is his priority to show Jin he can be a dad to Jimin as well as a lover to the elder. Although he doesn't think Jin sees him that way, he could only hope with time that would change.

"Jimin it's time to go to bed," Jin said interrupting Jungkook and Jimin.

Jimin turned around and looked at his dad with a pout, "papa I don't want Kookie to go, can he stay the night with me?" Jin's eyes widen at Jimin's words. Even Jungkook was taken back.

"No Jimin. Jungkook has to go home. You can see him again tomorrow." At Jin's words, Jimin jumps down from around the table. Running into his room, leaving a confused Jin and Jungkook. He then came back a few minutes later with his backpack and shoes.

"Jimin, what are you doing with those?" Jin asked his son.

"I'm going with Kookie," he said with confidence. Jin couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him.

"Like hell, you are! Go put those back right now!" He screamed at Jimin. He was getting out of hand.

"Who the hell do you think you are packing bags and trying to leave at such a young age! Do you know how hard I fought before I found the courage to leave you abusive shit of a father and you want to pack your bag and make such a decision after I've sacrificed my entire being for you." Jin lost it. It was clear what Jimin did had touched him to the core.

Jimin had never seen his papa like this before, and he dropped himself on the floor and did only what he knew how to do, cry.

Jungkook ran to Jimin side picking him up and carries him to his room, "Jimin baby, please don't cry Papa didn't mean to yell, but what you did wasn't nice. I want to be here with you as well, but you can't leave your papa nor can you ever think like that, okay?" Jungkook said, looking into the little boy's eyes, he had grown to love.

Jimin wipes his tears and shakes his head. "Good. Now go out there and tell your papa you are sorry and you don't mean that. Make sure you give him a big hug and a kiss. Papa loves you more than life itself, don't you ever forget that." Jungkook ruffles Jimin's hair and turn around to send him on his way, but was shock to see Jin standing at the doorway with tears in eyes.

It broke his heart, but something with the way Jin looked at him, gave him hope that he did belong with them.

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