Will You?

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"Dad, do I get flowers too?" Jimin asked as he walked around the flowers arrangement store with Jungkook.

"No baby, I told it's for your Papa, and you have to keep it a secret that we came here." Jungkook turned at looked at Jimin who held a flower in his hand. "If I don't keep it a secret, do you get in trouble like today?" Jimin asked as he looked up at Jungkook.

" I don't get in trouble Jimin."

"Yes, you do. Papa will get mad at you if you don't listen. Papa said I shouldn't keep secrets from him and you shouldn't either, so you get in trouble." Jungkook was taken back by Jimin's words. Was Jimin threatening him because he wasn't getting flowers? No way, that's impossible he thought.

"Do you want flowers, Jimin?" Jungkook asked out of curiosity. Jimin gave him a broad smile and then points to a bouquet of flowers, "Yes, I want that one!"

Jungkooks shakes his head in disbelief. "Fine, I will get you that one."

Jimin starts jumping up and down, "Yay! I will keep your secret Dad. I won't tell Papa that you are buying him flowers and that you have a ring for him and that you are going to have a dinner for him and that you are going to ask him to marry you on the beach. I won't tell him, I promise. Can I give him the ring you have?"

The store associate looked at a hyperactive Jimin and laughed, "He's so cute and adorable."

"Yeah, that's what I thought when I met him too, but now...." Jungkook only shook his head and gave the store associate all he had in his cart, along with Jimin's flowers. Who knew proposing to his love of his like would be challenging because of their son. Even though Jimin was young, he was almost convinced the little boy was going to be a lawyer. He bargained too much and already knew the right things to say. He now understands where Jin was coming from when they first met.

As the lady began packing everything into a bag, Jimin tippy-toed up to the counter, "Can I have my flowers?"

"Jiminie, It's heavy. I will bring it for you." Jungkook told him as he took the things from the lady and started walking out of the store. He was excited for today, but he couldn't wait for it to be over with. Jimin was driving him insane, he is not even sure why he told Jimin about his plans; clearly, he had a shortage of friends.


Jin was dressed and ready to go as he sat inside the beach house awaiting an update from Jungkook as where he was supposed to meet him and Jimin. Jungkook had left him firm instructions that he was only to rest and wait until he reaches out to him and then they would go out to dinner. He was thankful for the rest, especially considering the lack of sleep the night before and how sore he was. However, now he was anxious and hungry, it was already late and nothing for Jungkook. The last update he had received was that they were stuck in traffic. Yet, when he spoke to Jimin, Jimin told him that the water and lights were pretty, which made him confused. When he asked Jungkook about it, Jungkook told him that Jimin meant the lights on the bridge. He doesn't recall seeing a bridge when they drove in, but whatever.

Babe, can you please meet us down by the beach, straight ahead from the house. Jimin found a turtle, and he won't let us leave until you see it.

That was the text message Jin received from Jungkook. He stared at the message, annoyed. Why the hell was Jungkook on the beach with Jimin in the first place when he was in the house hungry and waiting on them. He tried calling Jungkook, but no answer.

In frustration, he storms out of the house but stops immediately when he sees a trail of roses leading towards a red carpet (See pic above for reference). In the distance, he could see a cabana with a glow of lights way down onto the beach. His steps become slower as his heart rate picks up.

He took his time walking down onto the beach. Thinking he made a mistake and is walking down the wrong path, he gets off the carpet, but Jimin yelled out to him, "wrong way, Papa, keep coming." He became even more nervous as he watched Jimin jumping up and down, and as he walks closer, he noticed Jungkook was standing next to his son. As he got closer and saw the sign on the floor, his eyes widen, and he stops. Jungkook gets down on his knee, "Keep coming, baby, keep coming." Jungkook calls out to him.

Jin's eyes began tearing up as he walks closer towards Jungkook. He looked over at Jimin who was smiling while holding on tightly to a thing of flowers.


"No, baby, let me talk," Jungkook said to him, pulling out the ring and holding it in his hand. "Seokjin, I think it's clear what I am trying to do here today. Today, I want to let you know, I no longer want to be known as your boyfriend, but as your future husband, your fiance. I want to be the one you spend the rest of your life with. I love you so much, and I can't go another day without showing you just how much I love you and Jimin. I want to be apart of both your lives permanently. I want to continue to show you how you are meant to be treated. I want to continue being there for you and Jimin, giving you both the love, support, and care that you both deserve. I want to build my future with you, everything that I do from here on out, I don't want to do it, if it's not with you. From the moment I met you, I knew there was something special about you, and I am happy I fought for an in, into your life. Now that you've accepted me as your boyfriend are you will to take the next step with me and accept me as your husband? Will you marry me, Kim Seokjin?" Jungkook opened up the box with the ring and raised it up to Jin. He was shaking, nervous, and worried.

Jin looked around at where he was standing, he looked at Jimin who was smiling from ear to ear. "Say yes, Papa." Jin smiled at his son and turned around to look at Jungkook, "Jungkook, you and I have lived two different paths thus far, endure two different types of struggles. However, somehow, someone thought I needed a blessing and sent me you, and because I don't ever want to give up this amazing blessing, it's a yes! I love you Jeon Jungkook-" Before Jin could finish his words, Jungkook jumped up and picked Jin up into his arms and kissed him. "THANK YOU SO MUCH, gosh, I love you so much!" Jungkook cried against Jin's lips.



A/N: Yeah, I am not good at this proposal stuff 😩.

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