My Eyes Only

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"Yes, it's true. Papa, can you drink some more of the special juice to give me a sister?" Jimin said while looking at Jin.

Jin started coughing instantly and put Jimin to stand up. "Go to your dad. I need to use the bathroom." Jin said and walked out of the room; he couldn't even respond to his son.

How could Jimin even remember that he wondered to himself and his husband was no better. Did he think it was easy carrying a child? Jin shook his head and went into Soobin's room to check on him.

Soobin was fast asleep. It was the main thing he loved about his baby; once he was fed and clean, he slept throughout the night. Unless Jungkook was bothering him. He had to let Jungkook know it was not healthy for his son to sleep in his arms because then Soobin would always expect someone to hold him while he sleeps.

Most mornings, he watched as his husband dragged himself out of bed to get to work after being up all night, but he couldn't help but laugh at him because he was doing it to himself.

He would sit at Soobin's crib and watch the baby sleep. It wasn't like Soobin was up at nights making a fuss; he slept at nights.

They even had a baby monitor so they could always see him. However, Jungkook would always sit in front of the crib at nights and watch him making sure he was okay.

Jin didn't bother him; he understood him a bit. He was the same when he first had Jimin. He didn't want to leave him and go anywhere. They are so fragile at that age that you think the slightest thing will harm them.

Therefore, he allowed his husband to have his moment.

After seeing that Soobin was good and didn't need his diaper changed. Jin walked to his room, it was almost ten at night, and he couldn't understand why Jimin was still up, but it was the weekend, so he allowed it.

He tried not to intervene on Jungkook's and Jimin alone time. As much as he was Jimin's papa, Jimin's love for Jungkook was out of this world, and he knew his son was the happiest and calmest when with Jungkook.

Jin's love for Jungkook grew a thousand times more after he saw how much attention he gave Jimin after Soobin was born. It was something Jin had secretly worried about; he didn't know if having his own child would change how Jungkook felt about Jimin or lessen the attention he gave him.

However, it didn't, if anything, it brought Jungkook and Jimin closer, and it caused Jin to love him even more. He knew for sure that marrying Jungkook was the best decision he had ever made in his entire life. His husband was one of a kind, one he didn't plan on giving up.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Jungkook plopped down onto the bed next to him. "Geesh, you scared me." Jin yelp as he stared at his husband in fright.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to. I thought you saw me." Jungkook said and pulled his husband towards him.

"I-I didn't," Jin said as Jungkook began sucking on his neck.

"J-Jungkook," Jin moaned out.

"Yes, baby?" Jungkook answered as he brought his head up to look down at Jin.

"Don't you have work tomorrow?"

Jungkook laughed, "no, I don't work this weekend."

"Ohhh" was all Jin could say as he saw how filled with lust his husband eyes was.



"It's been almost four months," Jungkook stated.

"I know," Jin said gulping. He knew it had been four months since Jungkook and he had sex. After Soobin, Jin body had to heal and Jungkook never once bothered him, even though he knew how much his husband wanted him.

He was shocked that Jungkook had even been able to wait so long, but he was thankful as his body needed time to recover.

Jungkook and Namjoon was nothing alike. Right after being released from the hospital, Namjoon wanted sex. If it wasn't for him secretly being on birth control, he knew he would've gotten pregnant a lot more times. Namjoon never understood why Jin and he didn't have any more kids, but Jin knew why.

It's the same reason why he knew when Jungkook first thought he was pregnant; he couldn't accept or believe it.  He never told Jungkook, but he didn't get off his birth control until he was confident of his love for him.  He never considered it as him being selfish, but more so him being cautious.

"I want you, but I want you to wear that outfit you wore on our honeymoon," Jungkook said, giving Jin's lips a light peck.

"I guess Hoseok was right," Jin said with a laugh as he looked into his husband eyes.

"Hoseok?" Jungkook question with a puzzled expression.

"Yes, Hoseok. He helped me pick it out. When he saw me in it, he said you'd love it, although I was nervous and hesitant."

"So, Hoseok saw you in that?"

It was only then Jin realize what he was admitting to his jealous husband.

"It was only for a quick second, and I was pregnant. I'm sure it meant nothing to Hoseok, he doesn't see me like that."

"Jin, I don't care how he sees you. No one but me should see you like that. Your body is a temple, that's meant only for my eyes and your eyes only, no one else." Jungkook said and crashed his lips down onto his husband.

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