Little Things

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Five weeks later.

"How was your trip?" Hoseok asks Jin as they were auditing the inventory and stacking out new books at the same time.

"It was good. Jungkook proposed." Jin confessed to him unable to hide his cheesing grin. Hoseok eyes went wide as he pulled Jin's hand into his to examine the ring.

"He did what?" Jin's face turned into a frown when he looked towards where the voice was coming from. It was his boss. "Hi, Taehyung, Jungkook and I are getting married," Jin told him as he flashed his hand in front of his face.

Taehyung lips pressed into tight lip smile, "I see." he said a walked away. "What's his problem?" Jin mutters as he turned to Hoseok.

"He likes you Jin, so I guess you being engaged to be married isn't going too well with him," Hoseok said, shrugging his shoulders. "Anyway, back to what's important. WOW! That's such a nice ring. How did he propose? You have to tell me, I am a sucker for these things." Hoseok said as he gushes over Jin's ring.

Jin smiled happily and told him how Jungkook proposed and how he even involved Jimin in the process which warmed his heart even more. "Wow, that's so fairytale-like. You must have been a mess that day."

"It was truly a proposal like no other. I am really looking forward to getting married to Jungkook. He is everything my ex-husband wasn't. He cares about Jimin and me. I know for certain he genuinely loves us. What amazes me the most is his love for my son who's not even his own. Jimin's attachment to him is even crazier. They have an unexplainable bond, one I will never come to understand, but thanks to the two of them meeting, I got to meet Jungkook." Jin couldn't believe how life had a way of working things out.

"I'm truly happy for you Jin. I can't wait until you and Jungkook have a baby, now that's going to be a beautiful ass baby." Hoseok said, laughing.

"Gosh, please don't mention it. I swear with the way Jungkook operates at times it's like he's begging for a baby to pop up anytime now." Jin shakes his head as he remembers what happened last night.

"He's a family man Jin. It's clear even the way he acts around you and Jimin."

"I know he is and I am okay with it. It's what makes me love him the way I do. Plus, I know he will love and cherish each and every one of us. Even our little one in here." Jin said as he rubs his tummy. Hoseok mouth fell wide for the second time that day.

"You are pregnant?" Hoseok yells out in a whisper.

Jin shakes his head and smiles even harder. "No wonder you are fucking glowing!" Hoseok exclaims.

"Does he know?"

Jin shakes his head, "No, I am trying to figure out a way to tell him. I want to announce it to him in a remarkable way."

"Let Jimin do it," Hoseok says with a laugh.

"You really think my son is a comedian, don't you?! Leave him alone." Jin gives Hoseok a playful slap.

"He's a character Jin. Truly a special son you got there, that's all I have to say. I love him, though. He makes everyone's day better. Do you have any idea of how you want to announce it?"

"Ummm..... well, I was thinking that maybe I could get a pair of gender-neutral baby shoes and put them outside our front door with Jungook, Jimin and my shoes with a sign that says 'new addition, coming soon.' something like that, or-"

"I love that idea!" Hoseok squeals while clapping his hand together.

"I didn't finish though, I have more," Jin said as he stared at his friend in amusement. He was super thankful he had met Hoseok. He certainly brought even more happiness to his life.

"If it involves Jimin, then I am open to hearing it. If not, I like this idea. Jungkook would love it too. I think it's cute and fitting for you both, it's not over the top either. You both are so simple that I know it would work. I wish I can be there to see his reaction when you do it. He will cry for sure." Hoseok says as he couldn't stop gushing.

"He probably will," Jin said smiling to himself.


"must be nice," Taehyung says as he walks away feeling sad.

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